Chapter 1

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I sit upright in my bed, my heart pounding as if it's trying to break free from my chest. The room is still and silent, but the remnants of a vivid—not to mention terrifying—dream cling to me, leaving me breathless and wide-eyed. My phone buzzes with a reminder for my 9 AM meeting with my counsellor. I glance at the clock and realize it's already 8:30! I scramble out of bed and dash to my closet, grabbing the first outfit I can find in a rush. I hurry through the front door, slamming it shut behind me without a second thought.

I burst into my counsellor's office and drop into the chair across from her desk, my breath still ragged. She starts speaking, but her words are muffled. Confused, I glance down and realize I'm still wearing my earphones. Flushing with embarrassment, I quickly pull them out and mumble an apology. She smiles.

"That's okay, Ms...?"

"Aurora Swift." It's strange that she doesn't know my name, especially since this is an appointment I scheduled. Anyways, she sifts through a stack of files, pulling mine to the top with a practiced hand. As she scans the pages, her brows furrow in confusion. I watch her, feeling a growing sense of unease, wondering what could be causing her reaction.

"Well, Ms Swift, you're a straight-A student. Your grades and attendance are excellent. So, I have to ask, why are you here?"

"Umm..." I begin. "It's hard to put that into words. I should be feeling happy, but I'm not. I feel like quitting school, sometimes."

"And, what exactly is it that you want?"

"Maybe a life that isn't so predictable? A life where magical adventures exist..." Oh my god what is wrong with me?!

She looks puzzled by my response, her confusion evident as she processes what I've said. For a moment, there's a silence. Then, she breaks the silence.

"Those are... good dreams. But I can't really help you fulfil those, Ms Swift. I know it's confusing, but leaving school isn't the best option. Tell you what, why don't you head home and give it a thought?"

I thank her and leave the office. I just wish I knew what I'm really searching for. This—whatever this is—definitely isn't it. This meeting, this uncertainty—it's not what I had in mind when I sought help. I was hoping for clarity, direction, something concrete to grasp onto. Instead, I'm left feeling more lost than ever, questioning if this is really the right path for me. I head home, dejected.


It's afternoon, and sunlight filters through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow across the room. I'm sitting on my bed, immersed in my favourite book. I reach out to grab my mug of coffee, and my hand closes around nothing but air. Where is the dam mug?

Suddenly, the air around me crackles and shifts, and time seems to freeze. Everything falls into a heavy silence—no birds tweeting, no phone notifications, no distant honks from the street below. A strong gust of wind rushes through the open window, making the curtains flutter wildly. As I sit there, stunned, a girl's face begins to materialize in front of me, almost like a hologram. How? But what makes it truly unsettling is that she looks exactly like me, despite her hair being different. While I have long dark blonde hair, she has brown hair.

I reach forward to touch her, but my fingers pass right through. Before I can react, the air around me seems to warp and twist. I'm pulled into a vortex, everything around me spiralling into a dizzying blur.

I get sucked into a portal.

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