The Stars Shall Guide Him (Part2)

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"Aven!" The drowned voice of a woman he knew called out to him. He slowly opened his shut eyes, darkness only to be seen. His body lay on the cold ground, staring at the bright moon that outshone the stars.

"Aven! Aven!"

"Ugh!" he groaned as he woke from deep sleep. He quietly raised himself up and turned his attention towards Liv.

"Oh, hey Liv!" He said, his smile a sad one, "Anything urgent enough to call me?"

"I want to show you something." Her smile was a loving one—like a mother that wished to see her child be happy, "Come."

"Now?" His body was aching, and he was too depressed to go with her any further.

"Yes!" Liv said and grabbed ahold of his arm. She quickly ran to a nearby hill, dragging him along till he eventually followed her.

"Where are we going?" Aven panted, his body travelling up the hill.

"Up the hill, obviously," she snorted like a pig at his stupid question. "Are you an idiot?"

"I'm not gonna answer."

"That's an answer."

"Oh, come on!" Aven whined like a child. Aven trailed behind Liv as they walked to the tip of the hill, following a straight path till it reached one singular point.

"Just shut up and follow."


Aven looked down from the hill. He could see the rushing waves of the open sea that collided upon itself along with the moon. The howls of unknown beasts boxed out all others. Cradles formed by twigs lay on the untrimmed leaves attached to the ends of branches; chicklings snuggled under the warmth they desired.


The very name of his friend brought anguish to his mind. All of a sudden, he was covered in darkness. He looked up to find eyes that glowed like a fiery ball with black slits that only focused on him.


The raspy voice of the figure was like the meek screeches of an abandoned cat. Purple and red lines gilded the background with intricate designs. The world around him was pulsing like the rapid beats of the heart, fading in and fading out.


"Yes!" He called out to the voice that he could not see. "What about him?"

He shall not be saved...

A loud, horrible wail resounded in his ears. The darkness around him immediately sucked into a singular point till it glowed ethereally like a regal shining star. His eyes tried to keep pace with the space that warped into nothingness.

Till it exploded into a gaudy shower of colorful wisps of smoke that dispersed to the corners of his vision; not one particle remained in the center.

"Tell me more..." Aven muttered to himself like a chant. "Please tell me more."

"Tell me more." He murmured into the soft breeze. "Tell me more."


"Plea-" Aven's frantic speech was cut off by an enthusiastic and mellow voice.

"Aven!" Liv shouted into the night wind. The world around him blurred into the background as he stared into her jet black eyes. His cheeks reddened, maddened by her infectious smile that put the fiery stars to shame.

"Come on," she insisted. "We've reached."

He sat on the flat top of the green hill with Liv beside her. He gazed at the blanket that covered her head. The splatter of stars was like a beautiful abstract painting that told a story he would never know. The distance between their shoulders felt indefinite—the air around him buzzed with sparks of electricity.



"You see the stars up there?"

He nodded.

"Those shall guide him," she said as softly as possible, "Your friend, Michael."

"He will be safe."

Those words comforted him. His head dropped on her shoulder gently.

He felt safe..


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