Chapter 12: We Hitch a Ride With Dead Confederates (Isa's POV)

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Arrows came flying towards me as my super speed diminished, and the life boat fell towards the water. I had no juice left.
    I pulled out my Mantis Miraculous with my last ounce of super speed I had left, putting on the arm band, and yelling, "Orii, let's go! Halt!"
    A large energy sphere formed around me and the attackers, slowing down time for everyone else except me, at the same time as my outfit changed into a green Mantis-themed super suit with forearm blades.
    I was cornered. I couldn't possibly get through them, because the arrows were coming right towards me. The arrows were stopped midair.
    My only escape was back and down into the sea. I decided that was what I needed to do.
    I turned on my heel, and jumped off the deck, diving out of the sphere, disabling it. Time sped up to its normal speed as I deactivated the Miraculous. I used my water powers to bubble up the water below me to cushion my fall. I dove just above the life boat and next to it.
    Tyson was screaming, Annabeth and Ben were holding on for dear life. They landed in the water, and the arrows passed them. I dived into the water, just nearly getting missed by the arrows.
    Ben looked over the lifeboat, trying to distinguish my figure in the water. I was lucky my fishtail didn't form, because that would make it a whole lot harder to get me on the lifeboat.
    I heard Percy scream my name from above, muffled, a desperation in his voice that I had only heard once before. When he saved me from suicide the first time.
    Of course the voices were muffled while I was underwater, but I could still make them out. He didn't want to get moving without knowing.
"Percy, we have to get out of here!" Annabeth cried. "They're gonna fire on us again!"
"She didn't transform, she didn't transform!" Percy cried, frantically. "Why didn't she transform?"
I kicked up to the surface. My head broke through, and Percy looked incredibly relieved, laughing with a combination of nervousness and relief, even more than Ben was, and I didn't think that was even possible.
Noah howled happily. Mother is okay!
"Pull her up, pull her up!" Percy commanded.
Ben pulled me up from the water, by my arms, into the lifeboat.
Percy grabbed a thermos from his bag, and opened the thermos cap a quarter of the way. I held on tight, and held onto Noah, as a white sheet of wind came out of it, making a sound almost like laughter, and pushed us away from the ship, just as another volley of arrows came down, just missing us narrowly.
The wind hitting my face made me a bit chilly, but it dried me off instantly, as Noah kept me warm, as the Princess Andromeda faded to the size of a white toy boat in the distance, and then it was gone.

As we raced over the sea, Annabeth and Percy tried to send an Iris-message to Chiron. They figured it was important we let somebody know what Luke was doing, and they didn't know who else to trust. Ben and I agreed.
The wind from the thermos stirred up a nice sea spray that made a rainbow in the sunlight—perfect for an Iris message—but our connection was still poor. When Annabeth threw a gold drachma into the mist and prayed for the rainbow goddess to show us Chiron, his face appeared all right, but there was some kind of weird strobe light flashing in the background and rock music blaring like he was at a dance club.
We told him about my duel with Tantalus, and firstly how I had gotten somebody to replace him while we sneaked away from camp. Chiron did not look exactly pleased when he heard that I dueled and killed Tantalus. We told him about Luke and the Princess Andromeda and the golden box for Kronos's remains, but between the noise on his end and the rushing wind and water on our end, I'm not sure how much he heard.
"Percy," Chiron yelled, "you have to watch out for—"
His voice was drowned out by loud shouting behind him—a bunch of voices whooping it up like Comanche warriors.
"What?" I yelled.
"Curse my relatives!" Chiron ducked as a plate flew over his head and shattered somewhere out of sight. "Annabeth you shouldn't have let Percy leave camp! But if you do get the Fleece—"
    "Yeah, baby!" Somebody behind Chiron yelled. "Woo-hoooooooooooo!"
    The music got cranked up, subwoofers so loud it made our boat vibrate.
    "—Miami," Chiron was yelling. "I'll try to keep watch—"
    Our misty screen smashed apart like someone on the other side had thrown a bottle at it, and Chiron was gone.
    "Miami?" Ben asked. "Well, lucky for you guys, Isa and I know that city like the back of our hands."
    "Ben, Miami here might be a little different from the one we know," I said. "Most of the streets might be the same, but you have to remember the timeline is a little delayed here."
    "What if we run into our school? Aren't you worried we might run into doppelgängers?"
    "Our school is already out. So we won't be there. Plus, one, we probably won't even be in the Pinecrest area, and two, once we come to an earth, we become our doppelgänger. There is nobody like us."   
    Ben nodded, understanding a bit more now.
    "By the way, that plan to get us out of there was awesome," Annabeth said. "All hail the queen of distraction."
    I laughed. "It was just a little bit of salsa and ballroom dancing with a little bit of belly dancing."
    "You should do 'Samba Do Brasil' or 'Waka Waka' next." Ben suggested. "That would be even better."
    "I'll keep that in mind," I noted.

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