Chapter 14: We Check In To C.C.'s Spa and Resort (Isa's POV)/(Percy's POV)

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(Isa's POV)
Annabeth released the thermos cap off a little too much, making me lose control of the boat, which I was steering.
    "Too much, too much, too much!" I screamed. I took out my speaker, and said, "Play 'Ain't No Love In Oklahoma'!"
    Instantly the speaker started playing it, which helped me get in the headspace to control the boat once more, like I was riding a twister. Which, technically I was. I was riding an underwater twister that had a mouth.
    Annabeth quickly tightened the thermos cap a little bit, and I quickly gained control again. I stood at the edge of the boat, as it started to tip in the opposite direction of where I was standing, pulling the main sheet and controlling the tiller, and beginning to sail us out of there, dodging the raining debris efficiently. And the boat got to a regular level of keeling.
"Awesome!" Ben exclaimed.
    "Now, I don't trust you with that, give it to Ben," I said. That's when I saw Percy being thrown across the ocean, getting knocked out by a piece of debris, and then free falling in the water. "Actually. . .never mind. Keep it, just don't open it anymore. Hold the main sheet too."
    "What?" Annabeth asked. "Why?"
    "Just hold it, there!" I commanded, giving the rope to her. "We may not have been able to rescue Tyson, but I know I can save Percy. Ben, you know the basics of steering, right?"
    "I think so," Ben said. "Turn tiller right to go left, turn tiller left to go right."
    "Good. Now, steer." I said, handing him the tiller. "I'll catch up with you guys."
    "Isa, we're going really fast, are you sure you'll be able to catch up?" Annabeth asked.
    "Are you kidding?" I asked. "Noah and I are like Black Marlins in the water. 82 miles an hour is the Black Marlin's top speed. We can go faster, and I would say torpedoes, but considering what we just experienced, that's insensitive. Come on, Noah!"
    Noah perked up at the thought of getting to transform in the water. SWIMMING!
    I quickly dived into the water, with Noah after me. As soon as I let go of the breath I had been holding, my legs shimmered into a beautiful fishtail. It was hot pink, and the tail fin was just a lighter pink, with gold accents. My top became pink seashells the same color as the tail, with gold beads. My hair got a sea flower in it. And I got gills on my cheeks, very subtle, not very noticeable unless you looked very close.
    Noah quickly transformed into his bottom half turning into a blue fishtail.
    Just as we dived in I heard Ben yell, "Ten!"
    Was he really rating my diving score?
    We dodged falling debris swiftly.
    "Percy?" I called. "Percy, if you can hear me, please respond! Tyson? Tyson, are you out here?"
    But there was nothing but debris. I kept looking. Noah and I split up, not too far from each other, but just so we could cover more water. I scoured the area where the explosion had happened. I went as deep and as far as I could possibly go. The water was dark, and even with my mermaid form's ability to see underwater, it was hard to see. I wanted to find both of them, because I knew if we found only one of them, either way, somebody would be completely upset. If we found Tyson, and not Percy, everyone would be completely upset. If we found just Percy, and not Tyson, Percy would be devastated. I knew it was a slimmer chance that we would find Tyson, but I still had to try.
    That's when I saw a bag, with stuff floating around it. It was Percy's knapsack. It had been bitten in half by Scylla's teeth. I quickly grabbed it, and I put the stuff I could salvage back inside, sealing the rip with my powers, and putting it on my shoulder. There was a bottle of Dr Pepper, a container of vitamin gummies, a Ziploc bag full of ambrosia, a few sailor shirts, and a few other things.
    That's when I heard Noah bark. I looked back to see him diving deeper in the water. I followed him, and that's when I saw him pulling a body up, by a shirt. He had found one of them. As soon as his head lulled backwards, I could see we had found an unconscious Percy.
    But there was something strange. His fading aura. It was blue. Now, I get it. He was probably sad about Tyson possibly being gone forever. But it was the shade of blue that was strange. But usually, a sad aura would be one that was cerulean blue. But this shade of blue. . .it was Prussian blue. It was much darker.

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