the start of something new

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As they venture out into the woods they here owls and birds and nature. "Is it just me or are you guys scared too...." Jacob nervously said. "Oh man up" said Max. They started walking holding hands trembling with fear as they heard the screaming and the whispering once more. All of a sudden Jacob steps in a twig and he flings up in the air caught in a net. Kayla screamed really loud and so did Jacob. "Are you ok Jacob?" "Ya I'm fine but I'm really scared." "I'm scared too." Max butted in. They cut him down from the net and began walking again, this time more careful. The next trap they walk in is a life taking experience for all. Jacob of course steps in the next trap too. As soon as he steps on a target looking picture blades come flinging outer of a tree. Jacob quickly ducks but he gets killed by landing on a board of nails. "JACOB, JACOB...!" Screams Max and Kayla but he was already dead.

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