Chapter 3: Black Coffee

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"Yami," you begin, your voice tinged with a touch of curiosity, "are we seeking revenge?"

Despite your question, Yami shakes his head lightly, contradicting your assumption. "Revenge isn't our ultimate goal," he explains, his tone unwavering. "There's more at play here, something bigger and more complicated."

You couldn't think of any reason why Yami would have some kind of big master plan in mind, or where'd he'd even learn how to do things like that. Growing up, Yami dropped out of school a lot and was usually the dumb one. He was tall and strong though, so his strength easily made up for it.

As the conversation continues, Yami brings up an upcoming event. "There's a party that Bonten and the Crimson Red will attend," he says, his voice steady. "We need to be there, and I have a plan."

You also thought how it was interesting that just a week ago Bonten and Crimson were fighting for dominance and now you were going to be dancing and eating in the same room. The thought annoyed you, but you stayed calm in front of Yami. 

Yami senses your confusion but sees your openness to his plan. He continues to explain, "To get close to the members, we need to infiltrate. I want you to work your way into their inner circle and gain their trust."

You weren't going to say no to him either, not just because it was hard to but because this new partnership thing might make things a little bit more interesting.

Sensing your decision not to inquire further, Yami accepts your agreement without any hesitation. "Good," he replies, a subtle nod of approval. "I knew I could count on you."

As you step out of the room, a sense of solitude washes over you. You decide to take a stroll, seeking both some fresh air and time to reflect on the situation. The exhaustion sets in, and you realize a cup of coffee might be just the thing you need to keep you going. Without much thought, you make your way toward the coffee shop to grab yourself a cup.

"How am I supposed to get close to a bunch of guys I don't even know. These are Yami's old friends, not mine." You thought.

As you wait for your black coffee, devoid of any creamer, your attention is caught by the pair of men standing behind you. Their striking appearances, with tattoos adorning their necks, immediately draw your notice. One has short purple and black hair, while the other boasts longer locks of the same hue. The resemblance between them is undeniable, adding an intriguing element to their presence

As your name is called, the barista hands you your freshly prepared black coffee. Stepping away from the counter, you overhear the conversation between the two tattooed men behind you. One of them instructs the barista, "I'll have the same as the woman who just ordered."

As you listen to the men's order, a flicker of annoyance passes through you. Their decision to copy your order strikes you as odd and somewhat irritating. You silently think to yourself, "What a bunch of weirdos."

You had planned to sit down and relax for a moment but now that these guys were here you weren't interested. You decided to leave and go in the opposite direction of which you came.

As you stroll down the sidewalk, your mind immersed in thoughts, you become acutely aware that you're being followed. The same pair of men from the coffee shop trails closely behind you, their presence clearly noticed. Rather than confronting them directly, you decide to play it cool, continuing to walk as if nothing is amiss.

'I knew these Idiots were a bunch of thugs' you thought to yourself. Getting followed by men and gang members in general wasn't new to you. Your face was well known by guys like this, and you had a lot of power over Japan. Sometimes they'd try to kill or intimidate you, but it never worked. These guys usually got their fingers cut off or their heads sent in a box back to their leader. 'Same might go for the guys behind me' you thought.

When you finally made it to an alleyway, you turned into it.

As the two men follow you into the alleyway, they're lured by your slow yet confident stride. Once they reach a comfortable distance, you swiftly withdraw a gun from your coat pocket and raise it, aiming directly at them. Their faces register surprise at your unexpected move, and they freeze in their tracks.

The tall, short-haired man addresses you, a hint of mockery in his voice. "You're quite fond of pointing your gun at people, aren't you?" he remarks. The shorter one chimes in, his tone filled with a touch of sarcasm, "Exactly like you did to Sanzu earlier today."

Ran didn't know that were women in high power in the Yakuza business. When he first saw you at the meeting in the warehouse he was intrigued, but in a good way. 

Your annoyance escalates as you take a closer look at their neck tattoos, recognizing the Bonten emblem. With a huff, you lower your gun. "No inter-group conflict," you assert firmly. "We're allies now. So, what the hell are you doing following me?"

The men exchange a quick glance, their smirks hinting at a mixture of amusement and curiosity. The taller one speaks up, his tone nonchalant yet revealing their intention. "We were just interested in getting to know you," he says. "If we're going to be working together, we figured it's better to know the person who's second in command, right?"

Your lack of interest in getting to know the two men is palpable, and you dismiss them with a hint of impatience. "You've seen me now," you say curtly. "Feel free to move along."

The two men catch on to your stubborn demeanor and persist in their attempt to engage with you. They lean casually against the alleyway wall, their voices laced with a hint of mockery. "Yami did mention the party, didn't he?" the shorter one smirks. "Wouldn't it be wise to get acquainted with some of us beforehand? You wouldn't want to be all on your own, now, would you?"

"I don't think I want thing one and thing two accompanying me" you chuckled

The men's frowns show their dissatisfaction as you refer to them as "thing 1" and "thing 2." Undeterred, they continue with their proposition. "We're hosting a small gathering beforehand," the tall one clarifies. "It'll be just us, Kakucho, and Sanzu. That's it."

Your words are infused with a mix of sarcasm and curiosity as you respond, "You're throwing around those names like I'm supposed to know who they are. But you know what? I don't even know your names either."

The tall man, standing casually against the wall, introduces himself first. "I'm Ran Haitani," he says, a hint of pride in his voice. Then, the shorter one, with a smirk plastered on his face, follows suit. "And I'm Rindou Haitani," he says, completing the introduction.

As the Haitani brothers introduce themselves, your mind flicks back to the past, recalling their reputation. "Ah, Ran Haitani and Rindou Haitani," you remember aloud, "the Haitani brothers who led Roppongi."

"Bingo" Rindou mumbles.

After a brief moment of consideration, your mind weighs the situation. Recalling Yami's words about getting closer to the Bonten members, you finally decide, "Where are we going anyways?"

Ran, with a smirk, informs you, "There's a restaurant not far from here, owned by Kakucho. He and Sanzu are already waiting there."

You give your agreement to join them, but your warning is clear. "Just so we're clear," you say firmly, "there better not be any funny business, or you'll both be finding your heads on the ground."'

You also didn't plan to be there for long, most likely for 20-30 minutes at most. 

Following close behind Ran and Rindou as they lead you out of the alleyway, Rindou whispers to Ran, his voice filled with admiration. "I like her," he says, a hint of excitement in his tone. "She's feisty."

Ran glances sidelong at Rindou, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Keep it in your pants, Rindou," he teases, chuckling softly.

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