First meeting

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The castle was so silent that you could hear the sound of the trees when the wind blew on them. 

The two were looking at America nervously, not sure what was waiting for them.

A long silence was broken by the sound of an alarm. 

" General ! What was that aura just now, is it His Highness?" Said one of the guards who were running towards Kazakhstan and Ukraine. 

 Kaz's eyes widened. "Did you set off the alarm for this reason without checking? Damn it, Ukraine. Is Russia out or is he still here?Kaz said in a strained voice

"I remember he got out just before I got here," Ukraine began to panic. 

"Kaz, what if Russia feels this g......" America interrupted. "Excuse me, but I have a name. It's the United States of America. You can call me America. "



Suddenly an overwhelming aura overtook the entire palace " This aura .... Russia!" Ukraine began to panic, "Kaz, he's coming! "Ukraine, quiet!" Kaz shouted, "We have to go to him right now! "Mr. America, I don't know what your tactics are, but please help us with this."

The three of them headed toward the source of the aura to stand in front of a giant gate decorated with the words, "He's coming."

"Ukraine Kaz, what are you doing there? Get out of his way! "Lithuania screamed.

"What do you mean?" "You're usually on patrol, so you don't know, but when Russia comes back, he's headed to Belarus. 

The three of them walked away and headed toward Lithuania. "So why is he heading toward Bela? 

You will see "

The door opened to enter a giant person. No, it was not a person in America's eyes, but a monster. His skin was very pale and showed black veins with bones sticking out of his back in a terrifying way, as well as in his hands and feet. He had long hair of an unusual white color because it was very white and reflected some light, and his eyes were closed and tears of blood were coming out of them not only from his eyes, but his entire body was stained with blood and injuries covered him, which made America get goosebumps. 

The person started heading down a corridor, "He's heading to the Belarus room, as you said .... "

"What the hell is this guy, he's a monster?" were the words America wanted to say, but left to himself.

 The four began to follow the person until they reached a room, where the person entered and fell into the girl's arms, collapsing unconscious.

"Shh, shh, it's all right, it's all right," Belarus was stroking his hair to start humming a song.  

After a while, Russia started to get smaller and the bones started to disappear. "He finally calmed down." Belarus put Russia aside. "Brother, sister, I know you're here. Can you help me heal Russia's injuries, please?"

 "Okay, I'll get some medicine and a med kit."Lithuania started running around looking for a medical kit.

America started moving toward Russia and started healing him with potions. "Aren't those potions expensive?" asked Kaz.

"You will pay for them," America replied with an innocent smile. "What's hurt him so badly? I don't think anyone would hurt him that much. Ask America."

" Hurting himself to avoid hurting others."

To avoid hurting others, he had to release his energy in a secluded place, but because of his immense power, he hurt himself without realizing it. 

"You're Kazakhstan, right? I want you to have a meeting with your siblings, and I have to be there." He pointed at Kaz. 

Kazakhstan was curious, but he didn't say anything but nodded in agreement with America's request

 "Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania We'll have a meeting for a little while. Call our siblings."

Kazakhstan said he then led America into a meeting hall and waited for the others to appear. 

"Well, that was surprising. Kaz was the last person I expected to support our revolution against the government." Georgia said, "That was indeed surprising. I'm sorry, Mr. America, for arresting you earlier." Armenia said, "Get to the point. Why are we working with a outsider?" Estonia said, "Well, he's strong enough to have a slight chance of winning against Russia." Tajikistan replied, "So what's the plan, Mr. America?"

 So does this Russia have any known weaknesses? Or how can we threaten him so that he will listen to us instead of the government?

America began to dive into his thoughts, "I think he's attached to his siblings. I can do something to make him surrender, but I don't think they'll agree to it, so if I poison his siblings and threaten him with the treatment location..... Will it work without a fight?

  Mr. America! We've been calling you for minutes."

I apologize. I guess I got a little lost in my thoughts. So we have to get Russia into a little bit of isolation. I'll fight him to weaken him a little bit, and then you'll get in the fight." 

For four hours, America and the others were planning, but for America, he distracted them with random plans to make the original plan he wanted to implement at the dinner he was invited to.

 "So, Mr. America, as we said, we will meet again at dinner this evening. We will send servants to help you prepare."

"Make sure my brother falls in lo........," I interrupted. "Okay, bye !!!!! "America walked away.

There's no way I can get him. My plan will make him hate me, not fall for me.

 In the night breeze, dark clouds covered the dark continent's sky and the sounds of thunder were audible with lightning flashes everywhere.

"What a night, this is really too much, all these servants and all these clothes and equipment." America was shocked at the amount of things that had been brought to prepare him for dinner.

America asked the butler, "Is this a party or a dinner?"

"It's a party, sir. People from all over the dark continent have been invited to open this year's festival."Oh, I see." 

"Sir, it's time for you to head to the main hall." "Okay. America headed towards the hall with the help of some servants. He passed through so many hallways that it resembled a maze filled with paintings, sculptures and high security until he reached the main gate.

The gate opened into a giant hall with many people dressed in luxurious clothes.

"This brings back memories." America stepped forward and entered the hall and leaned against one of the pillars, waiting for the arrival of the rest

"Mr. America! "Ukraine came running towards America. Ukraine started talking so fast that America couldn't understand a single word. 'Rina, don't talk so fast, no one can understand you,' said Georgia, followed by Armenia and Azerbaijan.

" Georgia where Kazakhstan and Belarus "Ukraine asked

The rest are right behind us. Belarus said they'll wait for Russia and come with him. Georgia replied, "So what will you do if Russia finds out that Mr. America is from the outside?" Azerbaijan asked  

"We'll take care of it," Kaz replied from behind them.

"'Russia should be arriving soon,' said Estonia. 

As soon as she said that, the Royal Guard announced, "His Majesty and Princess Belarus enter the hall." 

"He's here." The doors opened and in walked a tall man with strangely red eyes and bright white hair who had a scar on his mouth and another on his jaw.

"Belarus, who's that guy with our siblings over there?"

"It's a friend they just made a couple of days ago."

"Friend? I've never felt his presence on the continent before. I felt his presence two days ago, the day the Outsiders entered."


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