Chapter 2

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Veda had never in her dream had she imagined to get married but now the unexpected is happening. Not only she is in different era but also her Swayamvar is taking place today itself only the day after she arrived.

Her hands trembled as the delicate henna patterns were etched onto her palms. Yesterday, she was lost in the labyrinth of time, transported to an era she only read about in books. Now, she was being prepared for a wedding, her wedding.

Veda's pov

Yes I have wanted this for a long time but not like this . I wanted to adjust but now I don't know where will I wed ? Who will be my husband?? So many thoughts are surfacing in my making me lost in my own World while the maids are doing their own work.

I have been told to sit in chair in front of the mirror while I was being ducked as a doll which I never liked . Ofcourse I might look good in them but I always wanted my original self.

My gaze drifted to the ornate mirror, reflecting a stranger's face. The kohl-lined eyes, the vermilion-tinted lips, the golden jewelry weighing me down. But one thing to be said I looked gorgeous and like I never knew I could look like this.

As the sun dipped into the horizon, casting a golden glow over the palace, the doors to my  chamber swung open, and a procession of women, adorned in finery, entered. They led me to the grand hall, where the swayamvar ceremony awaited.

My heart raced as I scanned the sea of faces, searching for him. My God how stupid of me to thing I can recognise him ? It's not like I have seen a portrait of Duryodhan that how he looks?? The probability of his visit is less but let's hope that Gandhar Raj Shakuni use his cunning brain after hearing about the prophecy.

With each step, my resolve strengthened. I am here to change the outcome and would not be a pawn in this ancient game. I would forge my own destiny.

As I entered the grand hall, a collective gasp echoed through the assembly. Princes and nobles alike were struck by my radiant presence.
Oh wait what-

I stride confidently despite their gaze my confident stride and regal demeanor commanded attention. My piercing green eyes sparkled like emeralds in the light of the crystal chandeliers.

Third pov

Prince Shalya's rugged face softened, his voice low and husky. "Her beauty is matched only by her courage."

Everyone in the hall were murmuring about the fire born princess , her beauty and her sudden marriage but amongst them only one person is able to sense the inner turmoil she must be going through.

It is none other than Prince Duryodhana whose gaze didn't travel to her body instead tried to read her emotions and understand that "Is the person he will be fighting for is really worth it?"

Gandhar Raj Shakuni had already told him and boosted his ego on his strength that no one can stand against him for long and that he will win it easily.

Veda'd pov

As I approached the center of the hall, my elder sister Shikhandini helped me climb the stairs and on the throne kept beside my father's who smiled at me fake. 

King Drupada, my father, stood tall, his voice booming through the grand hall.

"Welcome, noble princes, to the swayamvar ceremony of my beloved daughter, Veda!"

The assembly erupted in applause, and mind internally screaming ' no pitashree not my beloved daughter but correctly my daughter with bad omen'.

"Today, we gather not only to celebrate Veda's union but also to witness a test of strength, courage, and skill. Whoever emerges victorious in the Mallayuddha, the ancient art of wrestling, shall claim Veda's hand in marriage."

The princes exchanged eager glances. Mallayuddha was no ordinary contest; it demanded mastery over body and mind.

"The rules are simple," King Drupada continued. "Each prince shall face Veda's chosen opponent. The winner shall be granted Veda's hand, and the right to rule alongside her."

Every prince present there nodded , eager to prove their worth while I grow excited to watch not one but many prince fighting for me and you can't blame me it's not everyday anyone get to witness such thing.

Duryodhan casually listened to everything, he have observed every participant and by their looks and overconfidence they surely will stand their ground on a fashion show performance and not in a serious match.

As the princes prepared for the Mallayuddha, I steeled myself for the unknown or may I say for the known.

During all this suddenly Krishna's words ring in my mind .

Yesterday when I was roaming in the Garden, Krishna actually decided to show up there , making me scream his name and scare the maids present there who asked me if I am okay . It confused me but then I saw him laughing and then I understood that he is not physically there and only I can see him.

After much asking them to leave me alone for a while I sit on the swing with Krishna by my side as we watch the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the palace.

"Veda, Sakhi," Krishna said, his voice gentle yet profound.

I turned from the organe sun glow to him my eyes  searching for guidance.

"Tomorrow, you embark on a new journey," Krishna continued. "Remember, the path ahead will twist and turn, but always follow the path of rightness."

"Dharma," I whispered, my voice barely audible. I know that with my great fantasy comes great responsibility which I shall fulfill upto the mark.

Krishna nodded turning ahead again. "Dharma, indeed. The universal law that guides us toward justice, compassion, and truth."

I brow furrowed , I had my doubts as I only have read the scriptures not experienced it for real.
"But how do I know what is right?"

Krishna's smile illuminated the fading light. "Listen to your heart, Veda. It will whisper the truth. And when doubts assail you, seek counsel from within."

My eyes locked onto the lotus like eyes of Krishna's. "And what of my destiny? The prophecy?"

Krishna's expression turned serious. "Your destiny is intertwined with the fate of this land. The prophecy will unfold as it must. But remember, your choices shape the course of history."

My resolve strengthened cause I know that I will only follow the path of dharm to bring a better outcome. "I will follow the path of rightness, Krishna."

Krishna's hands grasped my shoulders. "I will always be with you, guiding and protecting. Trust in the divine plan."

As Krishna vanished into the twilight, I felt an inner peace settle within me.

So the second chapter is here and Veda is already enjoying it here. Let's wait and watch what happens next.
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