Chapter 3

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The hall was buzzing with curiosity, excitement, nervousness and ego as all the princes were looking forward to win the Princess's hand.

Drupad stood tall, his voice booming across the arena. "The contest of Mallayuddha shall begin! Let the bravest warriors clash, and may the victor claim Veda's hand."

The crowd erupted into cheers as the contestants' names were announced.
The first two contestants' were announced and Veda lean forward eager to know if any of them are Duryodhan.

Veda's pov

I watch as the prince and kings from many kingdoms clashed with powerful blows. I listened carefully not to miss his name and then as the fourth prince lose it, prince bhismak stood with pride and ego as he look around spreading his arms wide and laughing giving a challenge to everyone in the arena.

"From Hastinapur, Prince Duryodhan!"

My eyes widen as I scanned for the said name and they landed on the person that stood up from his seat. He stood tall, his broad shoulders squared confidently.

His chiseled features shone like polished gold in the sunlight. His sharp jawline, prominent nose, and piercing eyes seemed chiseled by the gods.

His dark hair was styled in a regal knot, adorned with a gemstone that glimmered like a promise.

His armor gleamed, accentuating his powerful physique.

But it was his eyes that held me captive - intense, commanding, and burning with determination.

Duryodhan's gaze locked onto mines, and I felt the air thicken.Time stood still.

In that moment, I knew my fate was sealed with the man I wished to be and it made me both excited and nervous.
Yes he is good looking like a god with those charms and a calm look on his face which made me feel all giddy as my heart skip a beat.
"Is it love at first sight?"

The crowd roared as Duryodhan stepped forward, his eyes still locked onto mine. He bowed respectfully to my beloved father Drupad and me.

"I, Duryodhan, shall emerge victorious and claim Veda's hand," he declared. I know that it is Mamashri Shakuni who have made it possible and I am so grateful for his scheme to be good for once.

The contest began, and the crowd cheered as the first match commenced.

Duryodhan faced bhismak, and the two warriors clashed. Duryodhan's skills proved unmatched.

As the contest continued, Duryodhan's victories piled up. I watch very eagerly, commenting like Ravi Shastri occasionally .

As Duryodhan pinned down the last opponent he raise up with a smirk on his face and looked up at me as I smile triumphly.

I descended the stairs, the garland shimmering in my hands, its fragrant flowers filling the air and the maid walk beside me holding a platter of garland .

As I reached the arena, Duryodhan's eyes locked onto mine, his chest heaving with exertion.

His armor gleamed, sweat-drenched and battered, testament to his unyielding prowess.

The crowd roared, their cheers and applause thundering through the arena.

Duryodhan stood tall, his broad shoulders squared, his chiseled features radiant with triumph.

His gaze never left mine as I approached, the garland held out like an offering. The only thing I wanted is happening right in front me and this man is making me feel all time of emotions as I look in his eyes.

With each step, my heart pounded faster, my pulse racing with anticipation.
I reached Duryodhan, standing in front of him I put the garland around his neck as I tiptoe a little . I held it there for a moment unable to believe as the maid behind me coughed a little making me snap out of the trance .
With a victorious smile, he took the garland and put it around my neck, the flowers contrasting beautifully with his battle-hardened armor.

The crowd erupted anew, their cheers echoing through Panchal's halls.

Duryodhan's eyes blazed with triumph as he turned to me making my breath hitch as his beautiful eyes met mine.

"Veda," Duryodhan said, his voice low and husky,  "You shall make a magnificent queen."

My lips curved into a soft smile as I listened to his words ."I shall endeavor to make you proud, Prince," looking down unable to hold his gaze any longer.

Drupad's voice echoed through the arena, laced with a mix of duty and distress. "By the sacred fire of Panchal, I announce the union of my daughter, Veda, with Prince Duryodhan of Hastinapur."

The crowd's cheers faltered, replaced by murmurs of unease. Drupad's eyes clouded, his gaze drifting to me and Duryodhan.

"May the gods witness this union," Drupad continued, his voice heavy with resignation. "May they guide and protect Veda, as she embarks on this path."

My expression remained serene, but my eyes flickered with understanding. I knew my father's concerns as he knows the reputation duryodhan have and the darkness that lurked within his heart but I fear no one if my almighty and my determination is with me.

I look towards Duryodhan as we were to be separated to get ready for the marriage rituals.

"May I see you soon husband "
With that I walked off as I see his expression change to one that of amusement.

Once again I  stood before the ornate mirror, my reflection gazing back. My attendants bustled around me, adorning me with intricate jewelry and delicate fabrics.

My hair, dark and luscious, cascaded down my back like a waterfall of night. The attendants wove flowers into my tresses, their sweet fragrance filling the air.

My eyes, pools of calm determination, shone like stars in the evening sky. My skin, radiant as moonlight, glowed with an ethereal light. For the second time I feel beautiful.

As the attendants draped the crimson wedding sari around me, my thoughts drifted to Duryodhan. Our union, forged in the fire of politics and prophecy, would change the course of history.

My father, Drupad's, words echoed in my mind: "May the gods protect you, my child." My heart swelled with love for him for the first time as I finally realised his loving self hidden behind the tough exterior.

The attendants fastened the final gemstones around my neck, With a deep breath, I rose, a vision of elegance and strength. My destiny awaited.

 My destiny awaited

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(Veda's look )

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So here is the third chapter...

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