Entrance Day.

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Canadas pov.

It was my first day of college. I was so excited to go back to school and get my 'Doggie paper' as Francis quite often put it. I wanted to be a vet, to help sick animals who couldn't help themselves. Francis was getting his Red Seal, and was a little bit of a show off about being such a great chef, even though I was the one who worked in a restaurant and he worked at a flower store.

Oh, I guess I should explain. Francis was my boyfriend of four years. We dated all through high school and he was the sweetest guy I'd ever met. We hadn't seen each other all summer because I'd been so busy working and he'd gone back to France to visit his family for half the summer. His family was rich and it kind of annoyed me because some people have to work for things and he just gets to sit around with a bunch of flowers all day and get everything handed to him.

Oh my, that was terribly rude. I'm sorry. It's just that with my younger brother Alfred always outshining me I'm hardly ever noticed and even if I am it's to do someone a favour. Anyways, after a long summer I'd finally get to see Francis again. We were both going to the same school so we could spend some more time together. I'd been hoping that I'd get to share a room with him but, alas, fate did not have the same ideas as I did. Instead I was stuck with some guy... Ar... Armando? Was that it? Yeah, Armando.

I stepped out of my black... uh... car. I don't know what it is, I'm not exactly a car guy. I'm actually pretty feminine and I'm hi8t on pretty often by guys thinking I'm a girl when they first see me. I've always laughed and just went along with I to get a good laugh when Francis punched them and told them to stay away from 'his man.' and they'd always just look at me like wtf. I get my amusement in odd ways.

Anyways, I stepped out of the car and pulled out my red suitcase from the back seat along with my laptop case and a small re-useable bag. I closed the car door gently, pushing just hard enough for it to close. I looked up at the large campus and saw Francis leaning against the dorm entrance staring straight at me. I blushed and rushed forwards to greet him. He enveloped me into a hug and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Ah, bonjour Matthieu. How are you?" He asked with a smile. I blushed and gave a quiet "Good." "Fantastique! Here, let me help you." He took the bag I was holding then replaced it with his hand and led me up to the third floor and pointed at room 338. "This is my room, okay? If you ever need anything I'll be here. Yours is just one floor up. I have to unpack mon cher, but I will see you later. Text me, oui?" I nodded and watched him disappear into his room.

I headed up a floor to my room, 438, right above Francis'. I opened the door and my room mate was already there. He was a small young man with spiky blond hair and emerald green eyes. He was sitting on his bed, he'd chosen the one on the right, reading a novel. He was dressed in slacks and a button up with a sweater vest over top. His shoes were on the floor beside the bed and a pair of silver reading glasses were on him. He looked up at me after I'd been standing there a moment already. "Oh. Hello there chap. You must be my room mate. " I nodded. "Y-yes. My name is Matthew. You're, um... Armando?" The boy let out a laugh. "No, not Armando. Arthur. Pleasure." He held out his hand. I shook it shyly and he flashed me a smile.

"So Matthew, What are you here to study?" He asked with his awesome British accent. I wasn't sure why, I just had a thing for accents. "I'm here to become a vet!" I replied cheerily. Arthur smiled warmly. "What a suiting career for one so shy. Ah, here." He took one of my bags and set it on my bed. "I am here to study literature. I want to write books." I nodded. "Yes, that seems like a good fit. I'd love to read something of yours if you would like me to." I offered. He seemed surprised. "Oh. Yes of course, I'm afraid I don't have anything with me currently but I should be receiving the rest of my things in the mail in the next few days so I will show you the moment I get them."

I looked up at him from un packing my bags. "Mail? Oh did you move here from England?" I asked. "Well yes. How did you know that?" I laughed. "The accent." I replied. He laughed along with me. "It's always the accent. Are you from near here?" He asked me. "Yeah. I'm from Laval. It's about an hour drive from here. I've always loved Montreal." Arthur nodded in agreement. "Yes, the French people here are much less repulsive than the France French." He admitted. I smiled and returned to putting away my things. "You think? I like French people." Arthur scoffed. "Of course you like them you're Canadian you like everybody." He countered.

I pouted. "Not true. I don't like my brother. He's loud and he's annoying. Stupid American." I huffed. Arthur chuckled. "Yes, yes we all hate the Americans what else is new." I 'hmm'ed in agreement. "Is there anyone else?" He inquired. "Um... well there's this one guy, I don't really remember his name, but he's kinda a snob and rude. All he does is talk about his stupid piano like he's better than everyone else. Well guess what you Austrian moose licker, you can bet your skates I'd whip you in a hockey game!" I exclaimed. Arthur stared at me a moment then proceeded to burst into laughter. I blushed in embarrassment and continued to un-pack.

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