Day 7

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AN: Yes I know I skipped a few days, its for the story! Anyways enjoy!

Matthew was laying on his bed still, face down with his head buried in his pillows. He'd just been laying there since he'd confronted Francis, only getting up once to go to the bathroom. I was sitting on my bed fretting over him. Finally I decided I should try to cheer him up.

I made my way over to him slowly and sat gently beside him. He was awake, I could hear his quiet sniffles. I began to rub his back slowly and he buried his face farther into his pillow in response.

"Matthew?" I called softly, he sat up a bit. His face was streaked by terms and his eyes were red and puffy. "How are you holding up, love?"

He wiped his face with the back of his hand, "Am I really that awful Arthur?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean am I really so bad that I would cause someone to cheat on me? How long has he been sleeping with other people? Should I get tested? Did... did he ever really love me?"

I looked at him with sadness in my eyes, "Oh Matthew. You aren't bad, not at all. In fact any man would be lucky to have you. And I'm sure he did love you, how could he not?" I reach across and began to rub his back in slow circles.

"Francis was the third person to date me. He helped me through a lot. He protected me. I just... I can't believe he would do that to me."

"Some people are just like that. Chances are he had began that kind of life long before he met you."

"I really doubt that. Francis and I met when we were 7."

I flushed lightly. "Well it is still a possibility. He may have been abused and around that kind of stuff a lot and just figured it was the norm."

There was a drawn out silence, Matthew stared at the far wall and just as I was about to speak the door opened and in marched Alfred, Kiku and Gilbert.

"Hey bro! The hero is here to save the day," Alfred cheered. Matthew stared a moment before turning on his side and asking them to leave, not so politely,

"Get the fuck out, Alfred."

The American wanker was unfazed and simply laughed loudly. Gilbert looked guilty and stepped forwards, rubbing his arm, "Birdie? Birdie I am so sorry. Oh God, you hate me now, don't you? If you don't you should. I deserve it," Gilbert tugged at his hair and crouched down, curling in on himself.

"You two should leave so they can talk," I advised Alfred and Kiku, who nodded. Alfred quirk ed an eyebrow, "Why do you get to stay?"

"Because it's his room, Alfred. Get over yourself and get out."

Alfred finally got the hint and headed out, Kiku in tow.

I sat at my desk and crossed my legs, pretending to focus on making tea, "Please just pretend I'm not here," I waved for them to continue their conversation.

Gilbert had not moved from his place on the carpet. Matthew stood and crouched beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Gilbert you know I don't hate you. You're my best friend."

"Yeah, your best friend who slept with your boyfriend! Mattie this is serious! You should be mad!"

They were both standing now,
"I am mad. At Francis. I have no reason to be mad at you, you didn't know."

Gilbert still looked dejected, "Still... I don't know it just seems... like maybe I deserve it."

Matthew cocked his head to the side, "Gilbert?" The albino avoided his friends eyes, that were staring into him pointedly, "What did you do?"

Gilbert bit his lip. Ah, so he had done something.

"Should I leave?"

"No... no, it's... it's not anything surprising. Just... the usual I guess."

Matthew rubbed his friends shoulder gently, "What is it this time? Not the usual I assume otherwise you wouldn't be making that face. And you want me to punish you- not like that!- I just mean... it's something new isn't it?"

Gilbert nodded slowly, gaze still locked to the floor, "I'm so sorry Matt, it's just all I could get my hands on and I needed it. You know... you know I did."

"Gilbert," Matthew's tone was one of warning, demanding that the albino tell him just what was going on.

Gilbert really appeared to be struggling with saying it out loud, he squirmed a little under Matthew's gaze before whispering so quietly I barely heard him.


I felt my eyes widen, sure it was a fairly common drug, but Gilbert didn't seem the type. Though I guess you can't really tell just by looking at a person.

I heard Matthew whisper, "Oh no... Gilbert, where on earth did you get something like that?"

"My mom."

I felt a shiver run through me and the pencil in my hand snapped. Flashes, I saw flashes and I gasped. I felt the other two in the room look at me but I couldn't respond, I couldn't move. I could feel myself trembling. Everything was spinning.

When everything finally stopped spinning I saw Matthew's face, only about a foot from my own. He was saying my name.

"Arthur? Arthur are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh, yes. I am quite alright. Excuse me, I need to go see my brother."

Matthew's POV

Arthur left without another word.

"Well that was weird," I commented. Gilbert nodded and I turned my attention back to him, "Listen Gilbert, I'm not angry at you. Not for sleeping with Francis or for the drugs. I wish you had called me so you didn't turn to that again but... I trust you. Just don't die. I'm not saying that I approve for the record, all I'm saying is that I really value you as a friend. And I'm thankful you slept with Francis. If you hadn't I would never have found out what a piece of moose droppings he is."

Gilbert chuckled, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks Birdie."


Sorry for the slow update. I was binge watching Avatar and then, much to my shame, read every Zukka fic I could possibly find. So... there's my excuse. Love you guys!


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