Day 4 part 2

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AN: sorry for all the POV changes. (not really though.) Also, Warning for extremely intense swearing. like I didn't know half these words three hours ago. so you have been warned.

Englands POV

I woke up to the sound of a scream, I flailed and paused my ipod, panting and looking around the room. I forgot about my old emo songs.

I placed my ipod on the small table between the beds that Matthew and I shared. I got up and put on my trousers and a jumper before sitting at my desk to work on the assignment I didn't have the chance to finish the night before.


My lecture was boring. They usually weren't but I still had my as  of a brother on my mind, so I was more than a little distracted. As I was on my way out of the campus to the dorms I decided to go to the town instead, to get my mind off things. I went to a small café, hidden away I frequented. The waitress that worked there, Marilyne, smiled and brought me my usual pancakes and coffee. I thanked her as she walked away, focusing on my food and just a little too hot drink.

I let the coffee burn my tongue, focusing in on the singing feeling that spread painfully through my mouth, causing my face to go just a little red. I swallowed, burn flowing down and heating the inside of my stomach, causing it to crap and me to wince. I brought myself back with a sigh, putting down the cup that in the middle of singing the skin of my palm. I began to eat my pancakes as I thought of ways to deal with my anger other than hurting my poor body.


There was a knock at the door at around 4, I assumed it was Matthew and that he'd forgotten his key so I stood to answer it, unfortunately for me it was Francis, Matthews good for nothing, cheating boyfriend.

"Ah,  Arthur! How, uh... lovely to see you!" He smiled weakly, the lie clear in his voice and expression.

"Yes, hello Francis." I replied coldly.

"Is Matthieu here?" He asked, attempting to look around me and into our room.

"And why should I tell you?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Because he is my boyfriend, whom I love very much."

"That's not what you told Gilbert last night, you bloody slag.*"

Francis narrowed his eyes in hatred. "So you heard that, did you? Eavesdropping enculteur.*"

"Of course I heard you, the whole building did. I should tell Matthew how much of a manky knob* you are!"

"You wouldn't dare. "

"Oh, but I would."

"Matthew loves me. You will stay out of this."

"Make me, maggot."

Francis took a menacing step towards me but I simply stared him down.

"Vous avez plein de merde, Ane.*"

"Go back to the other cheese eating surrender monkeys.*" I stepped towards him as well.

"Fous le camps et meurt, putain.*"

I saw Matthew come into the hall from the stairwell from the corner of my eye but knew Francis couldn't see him. "You're just a dirty fucking wanker. Regular old tosser*, aren't you?" I asked him quietly.

Now Matthew stood directly behind Francis, just in earshot as her spoke, "Mange de la merde et meurs, putain.*" He growled at me. "Matthew gasped loudly. "Francis!" He scolded. Francis glared at me as I gave him a cocky smirk.

"Bouffe ma queue calisse de fag." He spat before stomping away. Matthew stared at him in disbelief. "I am so sorry Arthur, he's never been that rude to anyone! He's not a bad guy, what happened?" He asked. I waved him off. "A simple disagreement, no need to worry there chap. But do you mind telling exactly what he said?" Matthew laughed and followed me into the dorm room.

AN: Welp two in one day. See what I mean? More updates. I'm starting to fall in love with this story again, so I hope you guys are too. Well here's comprehensible English for the insults above! (Swearing, you have been warned, again.)

1) slag - whore

2) enculteur - bastard

3) manky knob - disgusting dick

4) Vous avez plein de merde, Ane  - you're full of shit, ass hole.

5) cheese eating surrender monkeys - slang for the French

6) Fous le camps et meurt, putain - Fuck off and die, slut.

7) tosser - hooker, someone who has sex for money or questionable reasons.

8) Mange de la merde et meurs, putain - Eat shit and die whore.

9) Bouffe ma queue calisse de fag - Suck my dick you fucking fag.

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