Day 5

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I woke up to Matthew typing away on his computer. I stood and grumbled a sleepy greeting that he didn't respond to.

I went to my desk, my book that I had leant Matthew was there with a note on it that read. "This is fantastic, I hope there's a sequel." I rolled my eyes, he'd probably stayed up all night reading this and hadn't gotten any sleep.

I turned on my laptop and started on my paper for lit. Exactly 23 minutes later a heard Matthew's chair creak. "Oh, Arthur! When did you get up?" He asked. I shrugged. "Well I'm just about to Skype with one of my old friends, I hope you don't mind. He's a little loud." He chuckled.

"You have a habit of befriending loud people don't you?" I enquired. Matt just laughed and turned back to his computer and hit the call button.

There was a crackle and a loud "Hey man!" that erupted from the computer. "Shh! Lars, don't be so loud, my room mate is here and he doesn't want to be distracted by you!" Matthew scolded playfully.

"Sorry man, it's just been so long! How've you been? You look hot as usual."

"Lars!" Matthew blushed. "Stop that! I'm fine. Busy. How are you?"

"Good! School is awful."

"Well whose fault is it that you failed grad year twice?"

"Mine." Grumbled the other.

"Damn right it is. Now what are you studying."

"Earth science. Uh, Ice stuff. You know like how Vancouver used to be a glacier."

"Well at least you know that." Matt rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'm offended!"

"Why aren't you studying your own country?" Matt asked. Huh, this Lars guy must be from somewhere else.

"Cuz our country is boring. We had to have our sorry asses saved by Canadians."

"Hey!" Matthew argued. "My country is awesome, and don't you insult it or we'll let the Germans kill you all next time."

Ah so this Lars boy was from the Netherlands. They were referring to the second world war, how interesting. Not only that but this Lars had failed his grad year twice! That's just sad.

"Don't be rude Mattie, we totes owe you guys! Speaking of which I mailed you those tulips, did you get them?"

"Yeah in May! I planted them and sent you pictures."

"Oh right! They were nice!"

"Lars you send me tulips every year, and they're always nice."

"Not as nice as that ass."

"I'm hanging up on you now."

"No- no Matt wait I'm sorry please-" there was a click of Matthew hanging up on his friend and then logging out so he wouldn't be bothered by him again. "sorry about that Arthur. Lars can be a bit much at times."

"How can you even be friends with someone like that?" I asked. Matt shrugged. "He's a good guy under all that narcissism." I chuckled. "Are all the people you know loud and narcissistic?" Matt stopped to think a moment before making an odd face I didn't recognize. "Oh lord," he began. "they are! All of them! Except you and Kiku of course, but really? What am I, a magnet?" I laughed at Matthew's expense. "Don't worry Love, I'm sure it will all turn out. You love them all, don't you?"

"Well of course, they're like family. Well Alfred is my brother but still."

"You love Alfred?" I asked.

"Well... sometimes. Usually I'm just jealous of him, but that's like the same thing, right?"

I blinked at him. "Uh... not really. So you don't like him, why?"

"Because he's the golden child. The perfect jock that gets decent grades and always has a girlfriend even though he's not straight, oh but my parents think he is. All they know about me is that I'm the gay one that wants to help animals instead of people like my brother does. I'm the quiet loner with social anxiety and manic depression. So they gave up on me and now they only love my brother. They only have time for perfect Alfred."

Matthew's fists shook with rage as he spoke but he didn't shed any tears. This was his reality and he knew that. Knew that he was the only one that could make it better or worse. He was his last defense and last hope.

"Well I think it's lovely that you want to help animals. I don't want to help anyone. I just love to write, so you're already a better person than me, there's something." Matthew laughed. "Thanks Arthur. Plus I always have Francis. He's always there for me when I need him too. I have a lot of things going for me. I'm thankful!"

I smiled sadly at him as he turned back to his computer. The poor boy had no idea just how badly Francis was going to destroy him. I had to tell him. I had to. So I decided to do it later that night, when I knew Francis and his new room mate would be at it again, so that at least Matt would believe me. I felt awful, but I just wanted him to be able to move on so he didn't have to be held down by that two timing cheese eater any more. I just wanted him to be happy. He deserved it more than anyone I had ever met in my entire life.

AN sorry this took so long, hope you all like it! I got strep throat  so I had lotsa time to write! lol. Comment, vote follow, whatevs. Have a beat of a day wherever you are!

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