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That night when Yusuke went to sleep he once agan found himself in the Velvet room. Reluctantly he sat up only to be met by Igor and the twins.

"First off I'd like to begin by congratulating you." Igor said, much to Yusuke's confusion.

"Congratulating me, for what?" Yusuked asked, nearly grabbing the electric bars as he did so.

"Quite, you never know when you'll receive praise agan." Theador said, and judging by the sound of his voice it seemed like he was speaking from experience.

"He's right, it's a moment to thresher, after all he usually only praises Margaret." Elizabeth added.

"You have found Ailes who shares your Ideals and you have found your place in reality." Igor explained.

"Allies who share my Ideals could he be talking about Futaba and Sumire." Yusuke thought.

"The time has come, your rehabilitation will soon begin." Igor explained.

"Hasin't it already begun?" Yusuke asked, he felt like they've had this conversation before.

"I shall explain it to you now... you have a special potential however it must be refined into a useful power. It is weak now but refining it will grant you the strength to stand against the coming ruin. 'And perhaps find that meddling emperor.' That is the rehabilitation cast upon you.

Yusuke's skin crawled when he said emperor, since that's what the force in his dream called him before trying to kill him. He decided not to tell Iogr about that because he still got a bad feeling from him, the twins on the other hand.

Elizabeth was twirling her stick like it was a boton only to drop it meanile Theadore was actually twirling it like a pro.

"What ruen is coming exactly?" Yusuke asked, hoping to get more information about his task.

"There are many ways to resist the ruen. FIghting shadows and gaining experience is one way. The fusion process is another." Igor explained.

"This is only possible because of my guidance inmate." Elizabeth said playfully.

"Not just her, I also have words of wisdom to share." Theodore added, still twirling his stick.

"Don't forget to keep your friendships strong." Elizabeth wanted to get the least word on her brother.

"You can coltvet your relationships by spending time with them." Theodore explained, he was finally finished twirling his stick.

"Viest them as often as you have time." Elizabeth worned. Finally getting the least word.

"Thanks to the contracts you've formed your heart is slowly gaining the power of opposition. It seems the rehabilitation is going well, this is a truly Joyous occasion." Igor explained with a toothy grin on his face.

Yusuke fought the urge to scowl at the man and instead bowed his head as a form of gratitude.

"Forgive me for intruding but it's time for you to return to your rest." Theodore said as the bell rang.

"Don't forget about me and when you come back maybe you can take us out." Elizabeth requested.

"What!?" Yusuke asked suppressed but before she could answer him he woke up in a pool of sweat.


"I am never going to get used to that Place." he thought, his eyes drifting to Morgana still sleeping next to him.

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