Part 16

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After classes were over for the day Yusuke went to Doctor Maruki's office for another therapy session, but Yusuke was determined to turn it into another conversation about The man's weird interests.

The two of them talked about the other clients he was seeing and how grateful Maruki was that no one seemed to have ishesish as seerios as the one Yusuke was supposed to talk about. When Yusuke mechoned that they were moving on because of his guidance Maruki explained that he was happy as long as he helped one person, then brought up Yusuke's prommis to help him with his reshurch. He then went on to explain what the research was about but Yusuke didn't realy understand most of it.

Counselor Rank 3

When they were Done talking He raised a text from Futaba.

'Inari, come quickly! Neo Fetherman star's In Shubia! 😝' 'Futaba.'

'I already asked Sumie-chan and Ren if they wanted to come, but they were both too busy. 😑' 'Futaba'

'Please Inari, don't let me down! 😣' 'Futaba.

The only things Yusuke understood in Futaba's message were that she was going to Shubia and that she wanted someone to go with her. So since he didn't have anything better to do, Yusuke replied that he'd meet her at the main Square there.


When he arrived an exide Futaba ran up to him.
"Inari! I'm soo glad you could make it!" she squealed as she grabbed his arm.

Yusuke was a little taken back by the amount of energy she had, but he suspected it had something to do with the reason why he was dragged here.

"Hello Futaba, would you mind explaining why we..."

"There's no time for that now, the Q&A's about to start!" Futaba exclaimed, dragging him off to a nearby stage surrounded by a fairly large crowd. Futaba dragged him to an area near the front so that they could have a better view of the people on stage.

Yusuke figured that they were the cast of something Futaba was interested in but one of them in particular caught his eye. She was a woman with auburn hair, in a high ponytail, along with silver barrettes which form the Roman numeral XXII, red eyes and a smile.

For a moment she locked eyes with him and her eyes widened like she reconciled him, before settling down when she realized that she'd never seen him before.

The woman battered with her cast mates as they answered questions people in the audience asked.

"Um, Miss Kotone. My favorite moment in your character's debut season was when Black was killed protecting Yellow and pink, the symbol of optimism forgetting how to smile. I was wondering how you managed to sell the emotions in that scene?" One of the members of the audience asked.

The woman who was bubbly and talkative up to this point sundalty went silent as she took a deep breath.

"I was using a personal experience I had when I was in high school." She replied, much to the surprise of Futaba and Yusuke.

The rest of the Q&A went on without much else that caught Yusuke's attention. When It was over Futaba and Yusuke made their way over to a nearby beach and sat down.

"Wow, that was so awesome!" Futaba ansosued as she thrusted her fist into the air.

"I still don't understand what was happening." Yusuke muttered.

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