Pool Party

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This is what you need to know before we get here. Rule one stay with the guards who are supposed to be around you and stay around Sabrina. Rule two if you think about going anywhere let them know rule three you're not allowed to speak to any of the men at this party the only man you're allowed to speak to is me and or anyone on my team that's it. Rule four don't you dare try to run or we will kill your ass and be on your best behavior." Adrien said all of that while they walked down the stairs.

Marinette made sure to listen to every word he said. The last thing she wanted to do was make him angry. When they arrived at the entrance, she seen a few new faces. She noticed that there were a few men in the room she hadn't seen before, she assumed they were Adrien's guards.

Adrien - Is everything together?

Nino - Yes sir.

Adrien - Are all of the guns loaded?

Nino - Yes sir.

Adrien - And does everyone have their weapons on them?

"Yes sir" Everyone said out loud.

Adrien - Alright than let's go.

As soon as he said, that many of the guards begin walking out of the house. While they were walking 3 big back vans pulled up in front of the house. Adrien grabbed Marinette hand and lead her to a different truck

When she was inside she looked through her bag to make sure she had everything she needed. While she was doing that Adrien was on his phone texting someone.

She got so happy when she seen that Sabrina had packed some of her favorite gummy's. She open up the pack of gummy's and began eating it.

"Have you ever drunk liquor before?" Adrien said while looking at his phone.

Marinette - No.

Adrien - What about wine?

Marinette - No.

Adrien - When we get here there's going to be maids passing around drinks do not take anything. If you get thirsty or hungry, let Sabrina know and don't trust anyone. Make sure not to say nothing about what goes on in my household.

Marinette - if they ask me anything about myself, can I answer them?

Adrien - Yes and no if they ask you about yourself, tell them only a few details. We're gonna be around a lot of people that's gonna try everything in their power to get information.

Marinette - Alright.

The ride took 45 minutes. During the ride Marinette turned on if the TVs inside of the
truck and begin watching the movie house bunny. Adrien was Strangely into the movie.

When they arrived at their destination, a few guys helped her out of the truck before Sabrina took her.

Marinette - I'm so nervous.

Sabrina - Did Adrien give you the ran down?

Marinette - Yes he did.

Sabrina - Good, trust nobody at this party except the people who works for Adrien.

Marinette nodded her head before all of them walked to the back of the house. When they were in the back yard Marinette was amazed at the set up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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