The life of Brooklyn Snow.

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Brooklyn POV

My adoptive sister, Kara was sitting in front of the TV watching Ben Allen preform in LA. I stood in front of the TV by accident and Kara was trying to look either side so she could get a good look at her celebrity crush.

"Brooklyn" she screamed.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kara, am I blocking your view of what's his name" I snarked at my sister.

"Mm-hmm, move it or lose it sister" she said, and I rolled my eyes and walked away. Kara was also adopted, and we had another sister, Caitlin who was across the world studying.

"Kara, Brooklyn suitcases" Jeremiah said,

"Come get your clothes and get packed, we are leaving after school tomorrow" Eliza said and put the washing basket next to Kara on the couch she squealed in excitement to leave and go to LA and started rummaging through the clothes in the basket. As she was admiring on of the dresses in the basket.

"In 24 hours, I'll be in Los Angeles where Ben Allen lives" she squealed in excitement again and then had an epiphany. "What if he picks me up at the airport" Kara said/asked. I looked at my sister weirdly.

"Why would he do that" I asked as I poured juice into my glass. Kara scoffs like it's obvious.

"Because I'm one of his original members of his fan club I follow his minute-by-minute blogs, and I text him every day trust me he wants to see me" Kara said. Our mom then came into the kitchen where I am.

"Is it too late for Kara to be kicked out of this family" I asked.

"Yes" Eliza said and kept writing things on the small note pad she was holding.

"Then can I please stay home" I asked.

"No" Eliza said.

"Why not" I asked.

"Your grandmother hasn't seen you in two years" Eliza said.

"Plus, you're a minor and it's illegal" Jeremiah said joining the conversation.

"Everyone shh there's more about Ben" Kara's watching the interview on the screen. I came behind and saw Benjamin Allen giving a small shout out to all his fans as Kara smiling like a dork. "He's such an amazing person" Kara said admiring him.

"He's definitely not amazing" I said looking disgusted at the tv.

"Uh, he definitely is amazing and if you knew him like I knew him you wouldn't say that" Kara said.

"Hello, we live in Ivy town you don't know him" I said stating the obvious.

"But I do I not where he works, eats, shops, surf and parties" Kara said eyeballing the tv. I decided it was a lost cause, so I rolled my eyes and walked away. The next morning, I was talking with my sister as I stand at the stall.

"You're not invited" Kara said.

"It's an all-school dance, everyone's invited" I said.

"Key word being 'dance' you don't even dance you don't like it embarrassing" Kara said to her friend who was standing next her as she pointed to me.

"I'm just going to cover it for the school paper" I said.

"Oh, alright" Kara said.

"Are you bringing your camera when you go to LA" her friend Zari asked.

"Of course I am" Kara said.

"We still need pics of Ben" Zara brought out a book that had a picture of Ben Allen on the front with a love heart around his face. "Talking, walking, singing, moving, dancing, breathing" Zara said.

"Why are you both so hung up on this guy" I asked.

"This guy" Zari said sounding angry.

"You see what I have to live with" Kara asked her friend.

"Poor you" Zari said and I feel like slapping my sister and her friend.

"Little sister, when we go to California you can play shuffleboard with grandma but I'm going to meet Benjamin Allen" Kara said and Zari let out a little squeal.

"How are you going to that" I said crossing my arms finding this whole thing insane. Zari then opened the book that showed a 3D map of his every move.

"We've mapped out all of his moves for the last eighteen months. I know when and where he is likely to be of every second of everyday" Zari said/explained as I just looked dumbfounded at how obsessed they are.

"This is going to be a long trip" I mumbled under my breath.

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