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The portal transmitter is underground.

Bokuto seemed to slightly pale at the thought. The team knows very well that he can't handle places beneath the surface like that.

Not to mention, there might not be enough space for him to spread his wings and maneuver in there.

Natsuhi patted him on the back, worried that he'll feel dejected in the middle of a job.

"So, what's the plan, captain?" Natsuhi asked, eager to finally be part of the action. It's been 2 months since she joined the team but none of their previous cases came anywhere near this one.

"We'll split into two teams." Kuroo nodded to Kenma who displayed images of the plan. "Kazehaya, you and I will enter the building and deactivate the portal transmitter. Bokuto will guard the entrance in case those things start retreating before we make it out. At the same time, assist the snipers in destroying those creatures. Kenma, complete the scan for the energy core and pass it to all officers on duty. We need to make sure those things don't cause any further harm. We'll keep you updated on what we find down there."

"Hey, hey, hey!! It's my time to shine!" Bokuto pumped his fist at his side, definitely ready to get down to business.

"Ugh, sounds like I have the most work. I'm tired already," Kenma deflated in his seat, a heavy sigh escaping him. He shot a glare at Kuroo.

"Oi, you're the genius of the team. Of course, we're counting on you!" Kuroo wiggled his eyebrow at the pudding head. "And Kazehaya.. any thoughts?"

He turned to Natsuhi.

"Yeah, just one."


Natsuhi took in a deep breath, then exhaled. "Let's get moving!"

There was confidence in her deep brown eyes, a little smirk dancing at the edge of her lips.

"Atta girl!!" Bokuto pulled her into a side hug, pumping his fist in the air.

"You two have no regard for danger," Kenma rolled his eyes.

"Alright, let's get to it then New Girl!"

Orders were swiftly given and everyone moved to their assigned position. To Natsuhi, this was a chance to finally show her seniors what she can do. If she could help wrap up this case, she would get the chance to be assigned to bigger cases.

Cases that might lead her to uncover what happened to her father. 

- - -

Bokuto dropped off Natsuhi and Kuroo at the entrance of the warehouse. 

"Kazehaya, scans."

Natsuhi watched the scanner on the eye piece. It's complete with heat vision, geo-penetration radar and identification mode. No danger detected.


They entered the building and immediately went down to the basement according to the floor plans indicated to them on their eye piece. In the basement, they found an elevator shaft leading down.

The light on their flashlights didn't reach t he bottom.

Natsuhi felt the air leading down the shaft. There was something ominous in the air. 

"The radar shows that this thing goes down at least 20 levels," Kuroo recalled. "Come on." 

Kuroo raised his hand, a square of red light formed in the empty elevator shaft, which then turned into a red platform. Kuroo's EVO allows him to create objects such as platforms and barriers using the molecules in the air. 

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