Chapter 31: Reunions, Questions, A decision to be spanked.

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I let out what seemed like my hundredth loud sneeze. Only to be handed another tissue by Mar-Chan once more. "T-Thank you," I said softly. Upon seeing how much I was shivering, and how cold I was. Mar-Chan carried me up to the bathroom and started to run me a bath. She had a pretty big bathroom, with soft browns for colors. I was clad only in a very warm towel, as she had helped me take my wet clothes off so she could wash them. I had to admit the steam that was coming from the bathtub was the most inviting thing I could see right now.

Mar-Chan ran her hand over her eyes once more, probably to wipe more of her endless tears away. Her dad had gone into the kitchen to make me something to eat, he was probably also gonna call the school as well. "Come here?" Mar-Chan beckoned me over with a hand.

I let her help me get this towel off and ease into this warm water. She even added a large amount of bubbles to help cover myself a bit more. "Jesus Christ." She said in shock. Probably because it was the first time she had seen my scarred back. It had healed up nicely from nights of letting Mrs. Rebecca rub lotion on it. However, it was still a sight to see. She chose not to talk about it as she stayed on her knees by the side of the tub. "W-What happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean where the fuck have you been?" She asked in a trembling voice. "I had gone out with my dad for the day, and when I finally checked my phone it was blowing up that you were missing. I called Mama Stephiana to see what was happening, and just that they had you on camera leaving the gates with a backpack. Then some woman at a bus station called the school, and then a police officer did as well. People have been looking all over for you!"

"W-Why would anyone be looking for me?"

"Because they were worried about you, from what I was told your dorm mother is in a panic!"

"No she isn't," I mumbled as I sunk a bit deeper in the water.

"What happened?" Marcie begged. "What happened that has you thinking all of this nonsense? Because she is scared out of her mind, I heard that Ori tried to get a bike to go ride out in this weather like some cowboy to come find you. Mama Stephiana even told me that your caseworker is on her way to come look for you." I didn't answer at first, only for Mar-Chan to put a hand on my shoulder. "Please, talk to me. What is going on?"

She wanted me to talk, and so I did, and said nothing while I explained what happened to me. From telling that I asked Ori what was going on between them, to telling her what I overheard from the two dorm mothers I trusted the most or at least I thought I did. I told her how I tried to get a bus ticket, how I ran away from the police. However, there was one thing I was gonna keep to myself, I still didn't really know how to process what else I had gone through in that garbage bin. "Afterwards, I just started walking and ended up here. I wanna go home."

"Ivy, please listen to me." Marcie began. "Why on earth did you let yourself think all of those things? I know a lot about misunderstandings, but you let what Ori said to you in anger affect you far more than it should have. Ori doesn't hate you, I know that for a fact. Did her eyes become blank when she said all of that?"


"Than I know for a fact she was not talking about you, and didn't mean it. When Ori get's i in her head about talking about her mother she tends to project her feelings about her onto others. So I know that she was not speaking about you. Please believe that, and as for Mama Becca and Mama Stephiana. They don't dislike you or see you as a burden, they were just talking about how they can help you more."

"I am a burden though."

"No one thinks you are a burden."

"Yes I-"

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