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Jiung is immediately caught off guard from Renae's sudden Korean. Hearing her say goodnight in his language sends a shiver down his spine. He's just so... impressed and in awe. He was so shocked by what she said that he didn't even get to respond. But now he's just here staring at his and hers messages on his screen. A moment later he shuts off his phone and he groans. Why would she do that?? He was enjoying her voice. "God I love that woman." he sighs in his hands.

It's 4:30 AM, Renae is on the plane leaving Chicago to go see her boyfriend all the way in Korea. She might stay for a month or two but he doesn't know.

'15 hours later..'

Renae landed in Korea not too long ago. It's 9 am over there, she's kinda tried but super excited, she finally gets to see her boyfriend after months of long distance. She texts him to let her know she landed safely and she's waiting at the airport.

"Jiungggg guess who just landed! I hope ur not busy :)"

"Jiungggg guess who just landed! I hope ur not busy :)"

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"Can you send someone to get me? I'm kind of lost.."

Jiung was currently in a mini meeting with his members before their next schedule. They were running through the script for the day, planning on what to do and practicing the songs. Jiung was spacing out half of the time though, thinking about Renae until he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

Speak of the devil. He thought and immediately fished his phone out of his pocket and checked to see a message from her. He clicked the notification as quickly and opened it. He smiled at the photo of the airport, he texted back as fast as he could

"No way. I refuse to believe you're in Korea right now. You better not be pranking me..."

He sends an exaggerated shocked emoji soon after, his smile still growing. He can't help but to feel incredibly happy and excited about finally being reunited with her.

Keeho, who hosted the mini meeting, hears small rustling and turns around to see Jiung smiling at his phone. "Jiung! Why aren't you paying attention? Put the distractions away!"

All the others turn to see Jiung in some sort of trance smiling at his phone deeply and was in the midst of texting the person back before Keeho came up and interrupted him. "Jiung!" Keeho shouts, and banged his hand on the table in front of Jiung trying to get him out of said trance.

Jiung jumps up and shouts, falling back in his chair. His phone flies out of his hand and lands on the floor face up.

"ACK- Kehoo! What was that for you buffoon!" Jiung shouts back at keeho after getting startled with the banging. He goes down to pick up his phone but then Keeho quickly picks it up from the floor.

"I wouldn't have done that if you were paying attention. But no, you have this thing distracting you." He waves Jiungs phone in his face taunting him.

"Who were you texting anyways?" He flips the phone over and sees a bunch of messages going back and forth with Jiung and some other girl.

Jiung jumps up and snatches his phone back from Keeho and shuts it off from embarrassment. All the members look around in confusion about why Jiung is acting like this. "Who is that girl Jiung?" Intak asks.

He doesn't respond and looks away. they sit in silence in a few minutes until Theo gasps loudly. Everyone looks at him in confusion. "I think I know who that might be!" Theo says loudly. "That's that girl you met at the Utopia tour in Chicago isn't it?"

Everyone suddenly started to nod their head in agreement and realization and turn to look at Jiung for confirmation.

Jiung looks down at his feet shyly, along with a red tint spread across his cheeks and ears turning red. "Yea.. that's her."

After he said that, his phone ding with a notification. Fortunately, it's from the girl. Unfortunately for Jiung he has to show the messages to his members.

"Oo! Was that her? Did she text back? Let us see!" Whole but of chaos happened and his members are shouting at him to see what she sent to him.

Jiung reluctantly pulled up the message and without looking at it, showed them. Their excitement died down and went into soft murmurs after reading the text.

Jiung goes out of hiding in his hands and looks up at there confusion. He turns the phone back towards him to see the message.

"You see me standing at the airport right? I'm not lying!" The first text she sent an hour ago then the recent one. "Okay Jiung where is the taxi? I've been waiting here for a damn hour! Is it coming??" Jiung eyes go wide as he reads it and quickly shoots a text back.

"Renae I'm so sorry! Keeho took my phone because I was texting during our meeting! I'll ask the staff to send you one now!" He quickly typed out and then started to make a phone call to the staff.

He walks out of the room talking on the phone with the staff. The others are shocked and surprised after finding out who that girl he was talk to was. Jongseob was the first to speak up. "Wasn't her name Renae or something? I'm sure he mentioned her to us before I don't know how we forgot. Shes all he talks about!" He throws his hand up and walks out the room sighing.

Keeho declares that the meeting is over and they now can go work on the stuff they need to work on. They all walk out of the room getting ready for their things to do.


A/N: hi guys I'm back 😭 I was kinda busy with school and everything .. but I'm starting to write again. Thank you for all the reads! Really appreciate it and I got my first vote!!!! Ahh I'm happy! But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! 🎈

 Thank you for all the reads! Really appreciate it and I got my first vote!!!! Ahh I'm happy! But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! 🎈

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