Renae has been sitting for about 30 minutes after Jiung texted her that his staff ordered a ride for her. She decides to walk around the airport to see what's different in Korean from America. She comes across a small beauty shop with a whole bunch of skin hair and makeup and etc. Good thing she had some Korean money from the time he sent her some money. She wanted to save it up for this trip specifically. So, Renae decides to go on a small shopping spree in this beauty shop. She picks out some face cleaners, some moisturizers, and even some masks.
After a few minutes of picking out what she wanted, Renae goes to the checkout to pay for her stuff. This is a perfect opportunity for her to test out her Korean after months of learning.
The lady at the front is very old and slim. She's kinda short and also has a small hunch in her stance. Some might think she's been working her for years. The lady sees Renae walk up to her with a basket of things. She knows she's a foreigner so she speaks in broken English. "H-How are you- doing ma'am?" She smiles softly hoping her English was understood.
Renae also smiles back at her and dumps her basket out so the lady could scan her things. She notices her broken English so she wants to make it easy on the old lady so she speaks Korean. "I'm fine thank you. What is the total?" She digs in her purse smiling to herself.
The lady gasps as korean spill out the foreigner. "You can speak Korean?!" She shouts out in shock.
Renae laughs softly at the lady shocked expression but nods. "Haha yes. I've only been studying for a few months though."
The lady gasps again and puts her hand against her heart. She starts scanning her products and put them in a bag. "Only a few months? You're already so advanced! My grandson would love you! He likes your people!"
Renae was taken aback by the last comment and ignored it by smiling again talking about the previous comment. "Oh well unfortunately I cannot have your grandson, I'm taken."
The lady frowns and smacks her teeth. "Oh that's unfortunate. We would love to have you around! You seem like a nice woman. Your total is 40,400₩."
Renae opened her wallet that she has been holding for a while and grabs the respective amount of money. She hands the lady the cash and grabs the bag with her products from her. "Thank you, have a nice day." The lady wave back at her and Renae walks away.
She starts to go back to her area where she left her suitcases until she sees two men in black sitting next to her things. She gets confused and walk up cautiously to them. They notice her walking to her and they get up. "Are you Renae Collin's?" One of the men asks.
Renae nods in confusion and a little fear creeps up on her. The two men nod and go to introduce themselves. "We're here to pick you up. Jiung called."
Suddenly shes not scared anymore and gets happy when they mention Jiung. They start to gather her things to take them to the car. Renae is too excited to care so she lets them take care of her things and follows them outside to an all black, Rolls Royce.
She gasps at the sight and quickly gets in the car. She hears the two staff start to put her things in the trunk. She decides to take a quick snap of the inside and send it to Jiung.
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"Baby this is wayy nice then my car back at home! Best believe you finna get that dick sucked later.." Renae giggles then shuts off her phone as they start to pull off to their building.
Jiung is back at his dorm from the tragic meeting that happened earlier today. He had his headphones on listening to a new beat him and Keeho made for a new comeback. He was nodding his head to the beat until he sees a flash notification from his phone. He stops the music and goes to see it in hopes it's Renae.
He sees it is a new message from Renae showing she's on her way to the building and he gets excited. He hearts the photo she sent and reads the message below. His face gets heated after reading the last sentence and his pants feel a bit tighter down there. Unfortunately, he has to ignore it and the text because he has to finish the beat and Keeho is very strict about it.
After about a few hours of working on the song, Jiung decided to take a break and he went out to the kitchen to grab a light snack. He finds his chips that he saved and goes to sit on the couch to look for something on the tv.
As he's scrolling through the channels, a knock is at the door. Jiung gets confused and walks up to see who's there. He sees two staff members standing at his doorway. Jiung raises his eyebrows in confusion again and the two man step out to the side revealing someone.
They walk to the side revealing Renae standing there buzzing in excitement trying not to burst but it fails anyways.
"Jiung!!!" Renae yells running out to hug him dropping all her things. Jiung doesn't have time to react and he's being pulled onto the ground with a loud thud. The staff puts the bags that were left outside in his dorm. They close the door and walk away giving them some space.
Renae is quick to give kisses all over Jiungs face leaving lipgloss all over. "Omg Jiung! You do not know how much I've missed you!" She continues to smother him with her love.
Jiung finally registers what's happening and gives her a tight hug. His hands get buried in her curly afro petting it softly. "Baby.. you're here I can't believe it!" He kissed her cheeks softly as he gets them off the ground.
Keeho was suddenly woken up by a loud thud in the living room and yelling. He quickly thinks someone is trying to break in so he gets the closes weapon he can find. A lamp. He cautiously walks out his room to see who that someone is while holding the lamp up in defense. He gets to the end of the hall and peaks around the corner. He sees no one so he starts to step into the living room.
He suddenly hears moaning and groaning in the space. He gets super confused and looks over to the couch and see Renae on Jiung's lap making out passionately.
He drops the lamp on accident and covers his mouth in shock. Renae jumps and turn to see what that noise was. She see Keeho standing in the corner of the living room shocked with his hand over his mouth. She gets startled and fall off Jiungs lap onto the couch. Jiung gets confused and stop kissing her neck to look up. He sees Keeho just standing is shock staring at them. "Keeho-ah! What are you doing here!" He jumps up holding Renae's waist.
"I should be asking you that question. You guys woke me up!" He crossed his arms and scoffed. "Get a room or something, I'm going back to bed. You guys are nasty."
Renae looks over to Jiungs startled expression and laughs bringing him into a deep kiss. Jiung melts into the kiss and grabs her cheek, rubbing circles on it. Renae pulls back I sigh. Putting her head on his chest. "I've missed you."
Jiung looks down at her a kissed her forehead. "Yea I have too. We should take your stuff into my room." Jiung suggests.
Renae shrugs and gets up walking to her bags and suitcases sitting alone in the corner. Jiung follows behind her and grabs her suitcases. As Renae goes down to pick up her bags Jiung slaps her ass. He watched it jiggle and groan bitting his lip. "That shit so fat huh." Renae giggles and walk towards his room swaying in glee.
A/n: okay chapter 3 is here!!!! This one has been my favorite so far 😭☺️ hope you guys enjoy 🎈 (no picture at the bottom today 😭 I'm lazy)