~{New Boy}~

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I was lying in bed when I heard the all too familiar silver bell. "Good morning master Tokito! I hope you slept well." "Yes, thank you Maria." "Of course, after you get ready your mother is waiting for you in her study." "Alright I'll be there soon." I got up and went to the bathroom, I always hate my hair in the mornings. I turned on the water and got in, a warm bath always feels amazing. My hair stuck to my body, ugh why me, Yui always tied my hair for me but now...


"You've got to be kidding Mui." "Come on please!" "You have to learn to tie your own hair." "Ok but until then help me!" He laughed and turned me around "fine you big baby, you cant rely on your talented beautiful and amazing older brother all the time." I splashed water on him "Don't get to cocky you bastard!" "Haha! Little traitor you got my hair wet!"


I sat up in the tub coughing and gasping for air, right... everytime I have these little flashbacks I go in a coma like state and can't move my body, I wake up wherever I was last and sometimes it gets me in trouble. I got up drying off and walked back to my room. I checked my closet, I should've asked Maria to get me something. I grabbed my kimono and brushed my hair. This is getting a bit tight, I have to get the seamstress to make me another.

I walked out towards the study and knocked on my mother's door. She opened it with a smile and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Welcome, come in my dear!" I followed her in and sat at the table next to my father. "So Mui you know how we've been talking about your safety." I sighed "yes mother." "Well I think I've found the perfect guy to keep you safe!" "Guy?" "Yes! Tanjiro dear you may enter!" I glanced up at the door and a tall boy with red hair, red eyes, and a scar on his face came in. "Mother... who's this?" "Muichiro meet Tanjiro Kamado! He's our newest guard!" "You got me a newbie? How am I supposed to trust a new guy with my life?" "Trust me he's amazing! Tanjiro don't be shy! Mui may look scary but I promise he won't bite."

The boy came over to me smiling got on one knee, grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. I was speechless, when he finally let my hand go I put it in my lap quickly, what kind of first impression is that!? "Pleasure to meet you your highness, I'm looking forward to working with you." He gave me that stupid smile and I looked down at my lap "Y-Yes indeed." "See Mui! He's so lovely!" "That still doesn't make me trust him with my life." "We knew you'd say something like that so that's why we put together a little test." "A test?" "Yes! It'll be in the garden. That way there's no way you can reject him." "That's all the way across the castle-" She looked at me pleading "Fine, mother."

She smiled and got up dad following behind her. I was about to get up when he offered my his hand, I hesitantly took it and he pulled me up like a ragdoll. "Oh my I'm sorry did I hurt you, you're much lighter than I expected." I rolled my eyes rubbing my shoulder and followed my parents, while he followed behind me. We were walking towards the staircase when the old grandfather clock on the wall fell, he pulled me to the side and caught it... with one hand! That thing is massive! "You ok?" "Y-Yeah thank you." I keep walking a little shaken while he put the clock back to the wall. We walked down the stairs and down the next hallway past the kitchen, he grabbed my hand and led me back. "Stay here." "Why?" Just as I said that fire burst out the door. "What the!?" Three cooks came out the room "apologies master we accidentally burnt the food, just a bit!" "Just a bit huh? It's fine just clean it up."

I coughed as we walked by the room door that was pouring out smoke, he then handed me a cloth. Where. Did. He. Even. Get. This!? "Thank you." "Of course your highness." We got to the big doors the big garden behind the castle, but when I stepped out I heard the loud sound, it was unmistakable, horses! I turned my head and one giant horse came running at me! I screamed but in just a second I was scooped up, it took me a second to process what happened but when I looked he hand already grabbed the terrifying creature by the reins. "You've, got to be kidding!" "Huh? What is it your highness? Did I handle you too hard!? I apologize I don't know my own strength sometimes!"

I stood there shocked then I became pissed "what is going on!? First a grandfather clock that hasn't moved since probably before I was born falls off the wall, the kitchen explodes when we have some of the most talented chefs in the land, and now a stampeding horse comes flying at me!" "Calm down dear. This was done on purpose." I lost it "You did this!? Was this just to prove that the world is dangerous or something!?" "Well... no actually the test wasn't for you it was for Tanjiro." "What?" "I said we were going to the garden for the test so I set up a few unexpected traps, and Tanjiro passed them all. He kept you safe without knowing what would come next."

I glanced back at the boy and he was completely red and looked like he was gonna cry. "Thank you so much! I was so nervous that I wouldn't be good enough but I did it without even realizing!" I crossed my arms glaring at my parents, "you may be mad with us but you can't deny his obvious skill. I'm not taking no for an answer this time Mui, I promise you'll be fine." I sighed and nodded "fine I'll do this." She hugged me"Oh thank you sweetie you have no idea how much stress this takes off of me!" I hugged her back "yeah yeah mom,"

"sorry I made you worry..."

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