Chapter 6: Whispers in the Night

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The City of Dreams was known for its lights, its pulse, and its unstoppable energy, but tonight it was quieter than usual. As Sophia stood on the balcony of her apartment, gazing out at the skyline, she felt the cool breeze brush against her skin, bringing with it a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in days.

Alexander had insisted on staying late at the gallery to go over a few things, but she needed the space to think. Between the exhibition’s success, Victor’s presence, and Adeline Hartley’s unexpected offer, Sophia’s mind had been a whirl of emotions. She needed to find her balance again, needed to remember what it was that had brought her here in the first place.

She hugged her arms to herself, feeling the weight of the decisions she would have to make soon. The gallery had become more than just a business—it was her refuge, her dream come to life. But it was also in danger, more than she’d ever imagined.

And then there was Alexander.

Sophia’s thoughts drifted to him, the steady, constant presence in her life. He had been there from the start, supporting her dream, guiding her through the chaos, and now… she realized that he had become so much more to her than just a business partner. Their connection had deepened in ways she hadn’t anticipated.

Her phone buzzed, pulling her from her thoughts. It was a message from Alexander:

“Done at the gallery. Heading to your place. See you in 10.”

A small smile tugged at her lips. Despite the turmoil, there was a comfort in knowing he’d be with her soon. She slipped back inside her apartment, turning on soft lamps that cast a warm glow over the space.

Sophia had always loved the quiet moments after a long day, the sense of stillness after the rush. It was in these moments that her thoughts settled, and the feelings she kept pushed down during the day began to rise.

She hadn’t told Alexander how she truly felt about him. At first, she wasn’t sure if it was just the intensity of working together that had created the bond between them. But as the weeks passed, it became clearer. She loved him—not just for his loyalty and dedication, but for the way he made her feel safe, understood, and seen.

And tonight, she was done keeping those feelings hidden.

The knock on the door broke the silence. Sophia’s heart quickened as she walked over and opened it to find Alexander standing there, a soft smile on his face. He looked tired but relieved, his eyes brightening when he saw her.

“Hey,” he said, his voice low.

“Hey,” she replied, stepping aside to let him in. He shrugged off his jacket, hanging it on the hook by the door before turning to face her.

“How was it?” she asked, trying to keep her voice casual as she gestured toward the gallery.

Alexander shrugged, running a hand through his hair. “Everything’s in order. We just have to figure out what to do about Adeline.”

Sophia nodded, her mind still lingering on the offer Adeline Hartley had made. “I don’t trust her,” she admitted.

“Neither do I,” Alexander agreed, his expression darkening. “It’s too convenient. It’s like she knew exactly when to swoop in.”

Sophia moved toward the kitchen, pouring them both glasses of wine. “Do you think she’s working with Victor?”

Alexander paused, considering the question. “It’s possible. But she’s slick—if she is working with him, we won’t find out easily.”

Sophia handed him a glass, and they both took a sip, the weight of the conversation hanging between them. After a moment, Alexander set his glass down and turned to face her fully.

Love in the City of DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now