Chapter 13: Forever in the City of Dreams

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The days following Alexander’s revelation passed in a blur for Sophia. Life in the City of Dreams was never without its complications, but now there was an added layer of uncertainty. The idea of a hidden collection of priceless paintings haunted her thoughts, and so did the danger that came with it.

Despite their pact to keep no more secrets, Sophia still felt unsettled. She couldn’t deny that this legacy of Alexander’s father was more than just a mystery; it was a reminder of the complicated life Alexander came from, one that was much darker and more twisted than she’d initially thought.

As she sat in her art studio one afternoon, Sophia found herself staring at the half-finished painting she’d started a week ago. The canvas depicted two figures locked in an intimate dance, their forms swirling together as if caught in a whirlwind of emotion. It was supposed to be a symbol of the love she and Alexander shared, but now it felt incomplete, like there was something missing.

Sophia set down her brush, her thoughts drifting back to the conversation they had shared in the café. How much more was there about Alexander’s past that she didn’t know? And what would happen if this hidden collection of paintings fell into the wrong hands? Victor, with his cunning ways and malicious intentions, still lingered like a dark cloud on the horizon.

Her phone buzzed, pulling her from her reverie. It was a message from Alexander.

“Meet me at the park in an hour. I have a surprise for you.”

A surprise? Sophia’s curiosity piqued, but a part of her couldn’t help but wonder if this was another twist in the tangled web of their relationship. She quickly cleaned her brushes and got ready, deciding to embrace whatever Alexander had in store for her.


When she arrived at the park, Alexander was waiting by their usual spot—a bench under the tall oak tree that overlooked the river. He smiled when he saw her, but there was an intensity in his eyes that made Sophia’s heart race.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about us,” Alexander said as she approached. “And everything we’ve been through.”

Sophia sat down next to him, her stomach fluttering with nerves. “So have I.”

Alexander reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. For a moment, time seemed to freeze. Sophia’s breath caught in her throat as he opened the box, revealing a delicate gold ring with a single diamond.

“I know things have been complicated,” Alexander said, his voice soft yet unwavering. “But I also know that I don’t want to face the rest of my life without you.”

Sophia’s eyes widened, and her heart began to pound in her chest. “Are you…?”

Alexander smiled, taking her hand in his. “Sophia Thompson, will you marry me?”

The world around them seemed to fall away, leaving just the two of them in this moment. Tears welled up in Sophia’s eyes as she looked at Alexander, the man who had changed her life in more ways than she could have ever imagined. Despite all the secrets, the uncertainties, and the challenges they had faced, one thing was clear: she loved him. Deeply.

“Yes,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. “Yes, Alexander, I’ll marry you.”

A wave of joy and relief washed over them as Alexander slid the ring onto her finger. He pulled her into a tight embrace, their hearts beating in sync as they held each other close. For a brief moment, all the worries about Victor, the hidden collection, and the dangers they faced seemed to fade into the background.

They were together. That was all that mattered.


As the weeks passed, Sophia and Alexander began to plan their future together. They talked about everything from wedding venues to the kind of life they wanted to build. For Sophia, the City of Dreams had always been a place of possibilities, a canvas on which she could create her own destiny. Now, it was becoming the backdrop for the next chapter of her life—a life she would share with Alexander.

But even as they embraced their love and the prospect of a future together, the shadows of the past still lingered. Victor hadn’t disappeared, and neither had the danger surrounding Alexander’s family legacy.

One evening, while they were going over wedding plans, Alexander’s phone rang. His expression darkened as he glanced at the screen.

“It’s Victor,” he said grimly.

Sophia’s heart sank. “What does he want now?”

Alexander answered the call, his voice tense. “Victor, what do you want?”

On the other end of the line, Victor’s voice was slick and mocking. “Congratulations on the engagement, Alexander. I hear you’re planning quite the celebration. How romantic.”

Alexander clenched his jaw. “What do you want?”

Victor laughed darkly. “I’m calling to remind you that the paintings your father left behind still belong to me. You may think you’ve escaped your past, but trust me, it has a way of catching up with you.”

Sophia’s blood ran cold as she listened to Victor’s chilling words. She had hoped that once she and Alexander were engaged, they could leave the drama of his family’s past behind them. But it seemed that Victor wasn’t going to let them go that easily.

“What are you getting at, Victor?” Alexander asked, his voice dangerously calm.

“Oh, nothing much,” Victor replied, his tone casual yet menacing. “Just a friendly reminder that you still owe me. And if you don’t want your pretty little fiancée getting caught in the crossfire, I suggest you deliver what’s mine.”

With that, the call ended, leaving a heavy silence in its wake.

Alexander set down his phone, his face etched with worry. “This isn’t over,” he muttered.

Sophia reached out and took his hand, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides. “We’ll get through this, Alexander. Together.”

He looked at her, his eyes filled with both love and concern. “I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Sophia said firmly. “We’ll face this together, no matter what.”


The next few days were tense. Victor’s threat hung over them like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over their happiness. Despite their best efforts to focus on their wedding plans, the looming danger was impossible to ignore.

Sophia couldn’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu. Once again, they were being pulled into the murky world of Alexander’s past, a world that seemed determined to destroy them. But this time, things were different. This time, they were engaged. They were building a future together. And that gave her strength.

One evening, as they sat together in her apartment, Alexander turned to her with a determined look in his eyes.

“I’ve been thinking,” he said. “Maybe it’s time we stop running from the past and face it head-on.”

Sophia frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, we need to find those paintings before Victor does,” Alexander explained. “If we can get to them first, we can use them as leverage. Maybe even put an end to this once and for all.”

Sophia’s heart raced at the thought. It was a risky plan, but it was also their best chance at stopping Victor. And deep down, she knew that they couldn’t keep living in fear.

“I’m with you,” she said, her voice resolute. “Let’s do this.”

Together, they began to formulate a plan. They would track down the hidden collection, uncover the secrets of Alexander’s father, and confront Victor once and for all. It wouldn’t be easy, but they were ready.

Sophia glanced at the engagement ring on her finger, a symbol of their love and the life they were building together. No matter what challenges lay ahead, she knew that their love was strong enough to survive anything.

And in the City of Dreams, where anything was possible, Sophia and Alexander would fight for their future—together.

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