07| Always Worrying About You

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"It's a hairline fracture."

I look up at the nurse. Well no wonder it hurt so fucking bad.

"We'll get you situated with a boot and some crutches and then you'll have to follow up with your doctor. For now I'll go get the wheelchair to take you to the car," the nurse tells me. I nod.

"At least it's not broken," Noah says, trying to lighten up the mood. I give him a slight glare.

My phone buzzes and I take it out, reading a text from Victor.

Victor: Charlie and I are heading to the hospital. We'll take you home so wait there.

I text back an 'ok' and look up at Noah.

"Victor is on his way," I tell him, "He'll take me home."

"You sure?"

"Yup, now quit feeling guilty. You can go."

He scratches the back of his head. "It's not guilt," he says.

"You won fair and square."

He laughs. "Only because you tripped on a pebble."

"It was a medium sized rock."

"It was tiny."

"Whatever," I mutter.

The nurse comes back with the wheelchair.

"I'll wait with you until Victor arrives," says Noah as he helps me get on the wheelchair.

We head out of the emergency section and into another corridor of the hospital. My eyes wander to the different people at the hospital when suddenly I see someone I recognize. My eyes widen a bit and before the nurse makes the turn to the elevator I ask her to stop.

"I'm sorry," I say to her, "I think I know that person. Can I go say hi real quick?"

"Uh sure," she says.

As I get closer to him, my eyes can't help but notice the word on the wall, revealing what section of the hospital I'm at.

He's sitting in a sofa chair, eyes closed and mouth pursed. He's thinner than I remember and though he looks weaker, his demeanor is still intimidating.

"Mr. Molina," I blurt out, starring at Charlie's father.

His eyes open and widen once he sees me.

"Juliet," he says, voice hoarse.

"You remember my name," I can't help but say.

He coughs, uncomfortably. "Impossible to forget the name of the girl that haunts my son to this day."

I fidget in my chair.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

He gives me a look. "I'm sure you read the sign. Those large letters are rather hard to miss."

He's not wrong. The word Oncology is displayed on the wall rather large.

"Does Charlie know you're here?" I ask, not failing to notice that he seems to be alone.

"I have my own affairs to deal with, alone."

"I should be getting back," the nurse suddenly says. I forgot that both she and Noah were still here.

My phone suddenly buzzes. It's Victor telling me he's here.

I look up at the nurse. "I'm going to stay here for a while, if you need the wheelchair back I'll use the crutches."

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