Chapter 4: A Switch Of Minds

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"No problem, I wouldn't have used it anyways." I say as I look at my person.

Me and Sade have always been close, and I was lucky to have her.

I really did care about her.

I mean, how could I not?

She's always had my back...
especially all those years ago...

Right, I'm here, in a bathroom, with Sade, in the present, happy thoughts, don't go back there.

Things were....changing...
I could tell....
I just prayed they were for the better...

"Do you think we'll run into Sebastian today?" Sade asked, shocking me.

The two of them obviously had....some....tensions...

I just wished they would be able to clear things up...

Its not often you meet other people-
Uuh.... beings(?) that can speak down here...

I mean other then Sebastian and painter theres....practically no one

"Maybe, I mean we could ask painter if you wanna visit him?"

"..." Sade kept quite as she avoided eye contact.

That meant yes, but she didn't want to admit it.

She quickly walks past me, "Ok we should start going"

With that, we were off for the day.

(POV change)

(Sebastians POV)

I watched as the group of prisoners left my shop.

Death may not be fun, but how I wished to be in their position and to be able to die.

But now I was in too deep.

Now I had to fight.

No escape from it, that is until I finally make my way out of here...

Meeting those two girls yesterday was...something.

I'm happy that there are other things to talk to but....the blonde one kinda pisses me off...

I just hope that I can get some help from them.

The sooner I can get out the better, I'm running out of time and I know it.

From outside I can hear the sound of Painters voice.

Who was he talking to?

God it must be another group of expendables...

I pop off the vent, preparing to tell them my whole speech.

I hear the talking stop as they stalk closer to the vent.

"Don't worry, I don't bite~" I tease, trying to entice them to enter.

The loud sound of metal thunking clues me into the fact that they have entered the vent.

"Welcome, welcome, we may have not met before, my names Sebastian, your only friend-"
I begin, stopping when I look down to see the two girls from yesterday.

"Oh, its you..." I say, with disappointment clear in my tone.

"No need to sound so sad about it." the blonde says.

"No Sade, I think he's just sad that I'm here, you two want some alone time~" the taller girl teases.

"NO-" Me and...her name was...Sade? Yell, in unison.

"Well I see thats something we agree on..." Sade says, laughing to herself.

"Anyways, whats going on here? The hell is this place?" She asks, eyeing around the room before locking eyes with me.

"A shop, I scavenge to find things the expendables want, med-kits, flashlights, the whole lot. Then, they give me research in return for my finds."

"Ah...." she glances around once again "Why research?" she questions, once again making eye contact.

Those eyes....
God what am I thinking-
She's a nuisance, an annoyance, just get this over with.

"I have a deal with competitors of the black-site, I gather research, in return, they give me my freedom."

"Smart....other than one...small problem."

"And that problem would be?"

She turns to face me, once again staring into my soul with those beautiful eyes of hers.

"How do you know that they're not gonna do the same thing to you? Lock you up....away from the public eye...leave you to you a freak..." she states..her tone shifting from curious to harmful, and laced with poison as she narrows her eyes and lowers her head.

If looks could kill, I would want to be dead.

Honestly, no ones ever intimidated me...

But this girl...she was...strange

You could tell she was smart.

And that there was more beneath the surface.

I felt outsmarted and she hasn't even done anything.

Her presence was suffocating.

She would make a great business partner...

660 word count







"Well, show me A word that rhymes with Pavement And I won't kill your parents"

-Harness Your Hopes (B-side), Pavement

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