16. Horror

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" it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood. A wonderful day. Yes a wonderful day in the neighborhood the death parade began." Davina sung out " you can smell the blood on the pavement still yes, red like the Lannister so proudly they crumbled that our feet."

" sister, that was a lovely song."

" thank you sweet sister. Who knew the smell of death could be so wonderful? I mean when you think about it, they're all rattled and off their game. I don't know who killed him. I honestly don't think it was tyrion but who knows. Seems too obvious to make yourself look like the villain. So there's another killer on the loose that we might have to keep an eye out for." Davina realized.

" are you worried about..." Daenerys nodded to Oberyn and cersei.

" my man is loyal to me and only me. I don't think for a minute anyone could sway him away. I'm not worried about her."

'You really believe Tyrion murdered your son?' Oberyn questioned

'I know he did.' Cersei sneered.

'He will have a trial and we will find the truth.' Oberyn said simply. He caught Davina eye across the garden and smiled. Aegon waved from a top, his father shoulders. It was his absolute favorite place to be. Cersei remembered when her children were little, they used to ride their uncle jaimes shoulders just like that.

'I have not seen my daughter in over a year.' Cersei said looking over the water. Seeing the little boy, so happy with his father only made her miss her daughter more.

'Last time I saw her she was fine, with two of my girls in the water gardens.' Oberyn admitted 'laughing in the sun.' And it wasn't like anyone was hurting her. Davina gave the offhanded comment every now and then. The little jab at the Lannister name. But she wasn't a monster.

" you brought your children with for the wedding." she countered.

" she was going to get to know her betrothed well we were gone. My daughters quite liked another friend, but I last saw her with my daughters when we were packing up." Oberyn clarified.

'I want to believe that I want to believe she's happy.'

'You have my word we do not hurt little girls in Dorne.' Oberyn told her.

'everywhere in the world they hurt little girls.' Cersei countered. 'Your wife knows that well   It's only because you're a man you don't understand these things ."

" I understand more than you know . But my wife has suffered greater than I and I hope to bring her pain to an end . I hope this trip to the capital can give us both some peace of mind ."

"Would you bring her gift for me?" Cersei cut in by his declarations. This was about her, not him. " I wasn't there for my her name day and I want to give her some thing.'

'Anything at all.' Oberyn agreed his eyes drifted to Davina once more. She was a rare, stunning beauty, no matter what hair color, no matter what outfit no matter if she had a scowl on her face or a smile on her lips, he still thought her the most beautiful woman in the world.

'The best shipwrights in Kings Landing have been working on it for months.' she pointed at a sailing boat 'Myrcella loves the water.'

'Probably why she spends so much time in the water gardens ." he agreed "We will have it sailed down to Sun spear for her.' Oberyn told her,

'Please tell her... Her mother misses her very much.' Cersei added sadly. Oberyn nodded distractedly as Davinas laugh echoed.


Although the night was long and looks curious, the morning came much too quickly for either of their liking

" gross. What time is it? The sun is barely up." Davina groaned rolling over in bed.

Conqueror / Oberyn Martell / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now