009: roll the bones

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My body always felt a type of way before I saw Hugh, I realized this lately since we basically saw each other every second of everyday I still felt my heart pounding, and my knees get wobbly before seeing him. Especially when I would have to knock on his door, I just never knew what to expect especially if his wife would come. I had to say I haven't seen her in awhile and Hugh hadn't mentioned her ever since I started working for him.

I clear my throat and clench my teeth before knocking on the door, the thing with Hugh was that he never told me what the plan was for the day I think it had been so long without an assistant he was just use to doing everything himself. I even had to give my number to every person I knew needed it since he would forget to give it to them.

Today's agenda was just wardrobe. A few seconds had passed, it wasn't even that early, looking at my watch I realized it was actually pretty late considering what time I would usually wake him up.

I knocked one more time, we lived right next to each other so maybe that would make things even easier you would think, but he was a bit of a struggle.

I mentally add it to my list of his habits, it was slowly building up, even so I still think he was a perfect man I mean the worst thing he ever did was roll his eyes at a bad comment someone said about him.

I try to keep up with what we did the night before, I didnt hear anything that would make him wake up late but I fell asleep the second we got home. Before I let my thoughts take over someone opens the door. Emphasis on someone since it was a man I had never seen before, a young man.

"Yea?" He says his blonde hair ruffled up, he was shirtless with just boxers on, his eyes weren't even fully open. I was slightly taking aback. Did Hugh have a son I didn't know about it? Even if he did his son couldn't be blonde.

"Uh-" I take a step back, and look around, was I dreaming? "Is Hugh here?" I ask.

"Who?" He says finally opens his eyes to look at me, "woah" he chuckles once his eyes lock with mine.

"Hugh? I'm sorry who are you?" I state.

"For you baby I'll be whoever you want" he leans toward me.

"Funny. Seriously who are you?" I state more coldly.

I hated men like this, the one who got everything when they wanted especially girls but I've fallen for guys like this more times than I could count, so at this point i was immune to their shitty flirting.

"I'm-" he basically gets on me as he's about to speak but before he can I hear someone behind him.

"Henry who is it?" Her voice being more pitcher then I have ever heard it.

"Idk pen just some girl." Henry, whose name I knew now, says still eyeing me like a hungry dog. "Oh shit." She mutters and I hear a scuffle before she comes to the door. "Aster." She pulls up next to the boy, I didn't even notice that he was basically a few inches taller than me but that didn't make him any better.

"Mrs. Jackman." I state looking at both of them. I would have to be an idiot if I couldn't tell they both had sex. His hair was all scuff, hers even though it was put in a claw clip was frizzy, I was taken aback by her shirt that was very clearly Hugh's but that was just it she had on Hugh's shirt and no pants and was standing next to this guy who was still eyeing my like I was a pound of beef jerky.

"What do you want?" She coldly asks, and pushes Henry away, "what?" He groans like a child, "go Henry." She mutters under her breath.

"I just wanted to wake up Hugh, we have a few things to do today." I say trying to play innocent. "He didn't come home last night and if he did I didn't hear him." She rolls her eyes looking at me. "He did though we walked in together." I tilt my head. "And I mean I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't hear him..." my words trail off as my eyes point to Henry.

"I'm not sure what you think is going on here aster but that's my yoga instructor." She smirks before putting her hand in my face with her wedding ring, "I mean I would get it if you had a little crush on my husband but it's crazy to think you would have a chance with him, you're basically a child." She states.

"I mean Henry is it? Looks my age so you might have to check out a new yoga instructor in your age group." I fold my arms. She chuckles and looks like she's about to cat fight me, of course she was a beautiful women I had to admit but it was always outshined by her rudeness.

Before she could say anything my phone rang, I pulled out my phone and put my finger in her face before she say another comment trying to paint Henry as her yoga instructor.

"Hugh, where are you?" I ask answering the phone.

His voice was all groggy like he barely woke up, "sorry I ended up sleeping at a hotel downtown" he explains. "Why?" My lip twitches now looking at his wife, she looked shocked but I wasn't sure why she should be if anything he found out about her and Henry's yoga lessons. "Just needed to get out of my place.." his voice trails off. He sounded hurt which made me sad, I put my hand into a fist and hold it against my chest, I exhale, "send me the address I'll bring you a change of clothes we got a few things to do today." I say.

"You got it, it'll be good to see a familiar face after an odd night." He says, "see you in a bit Hugh." I can't help but say his name, "see you, aster." He whispers my name, i get slight tingles and relief knowing he was okay well at least physically.

Pens piercing stare was waiting for me as soon as I hung up, "what did he say?" She asks, "he's fine he just is staying at a hotel." I explain to her in colder tone than I used to talk to him. "Listen.. aster.." she shuts the door and gets closer to me.

"You know you're not married so you won't get it but we're going through a lot right now I would appreciate it if you didn't tell Hugh about anything you saw." She begins to explain.

"I work for Mr Jackman not you, Mrs jackman." I bark.

"Exactly, Mrs jackman, and who do you think he's gonna believe, im trying to save your job here, so either keep your mouth shut or don't either way it ends bad." She explains.

I swallow hard, she was right, what could I say? Who was he gonna believe that women he's been married to and in love with for years? Or some random lady he hired.

"Fine." I say in defeat.

"Thanks." She smirks.

I exhale and walk away from her, fuck did she have as much power of him as she had on me? She always made me feel so pathetic like a little girl.

I look back at her one more time and she was already gone, I rub my hands on my face and think, I have to find some way to get pictures of them together.


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