010: second nature

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"You okay there?" Hugh asks me while fixing the cuff on the outfit he was trying on, I shake my thoughts and focus on him, he looked good, more than usual, he mentioned he didn't get a good sleep at the hotel so his hair was the perfect bed head, and it went good with the outfit they put him in. It was simple but of course the character he was playing was simple.

The leather brown jacket with a black formal shirt and blue washed jeans and the boots to match the jacket what was worse was that the boots itself added to his already tall height.

"Yeah just thinking." I chuckle, in reality I was just plotting ways to catch Penelope and her child hubby. Of course he wasn't that young we were basically the same age but since she referred to me as a child I'll do the same with him.

"What you think?" The lady says, as she finishes tying his shoes, "do you really need someone to tie your shoes?" I joke. "Hey now." Hugh scolds me, there was a huge length mirror in front of him, and I was sat right behind him, so anytime we made eye contact we would just look at each other through the mirror.

The lady chuckles, "your wife is beautiful and funny you're a lucky man."

Me and Hugh both choke up after hearing her say that.

"Oh no no!" I shake my hands, "im his assistant!" I correct her. "Yeah she's my assistant." Hugh adds on.

"Oh? I'm sorry I saw the ring and I just thought I do apologize." She looks at both of us. "You're fine." Hugh clears his throat, "honest mistake." He continues. I slightly smirk at his words, I was surprised he said that.

He finally turns around and shows me the outfit, I fight to urge to put my hand on my chest, he looked beautiful in a way that made my heart not even skip a beat, more like a whole song.

"Is that the first outfit?" I ask taking out my phone, "yes what do you think?" He asks. I give a thumbs up, "you did an amazing job." I say to the lady, she smiles, before heading to the back i assume to get the other outfit.

"Im just going to take a picture." I state, before positioning the camera, he puts a thumbs up. I always found that cute he wasn't like other guys who did weird signs. "Got it." I smile and put my phone away.

"So.. how was hotel breakfast, fill you up or do you want me to get you something?" I ask trying to fill in the silence of the room. "It was okay it was nice seeing other parts of the city" he explains, now stepping down and sitting to the chair next to me. "Is that why you slept there? To see other parts of the city?" I ask in genuine curiosity, "that and some other things." He clears his throat. We hadn't looked at each other yet not fully, we've only been looking through the mirror.

I twirl my fingers not knowing wanting to pressure him, but I mean if he saw what I saw.

"I just-" I try to say.

"My wife-" he also speaks at the same as me, we both chuckle cutting each other off, we finally do look at one another.

"You first," I offer looking at him, he runs his fingers through his hair.

"My wife just doesn't seem to want to be around me anymore." He admits.

Cause she's fucking someone else.

"That's crazy who wanted want to be around you." I emphasize. "You're only saying that cause you work for me." He chuckles softly, "no no..." I clear my throat, "even before I did like talking to you, you're an easy person to communicate with." I explain.

"Thank you." He smiles, "maybe she just misses how things use to be but hell who doesn't the good ol days were amazing" he begins to explain. "I would agree but I fear our 'good ol days' are very different" I finger quote. "Hey now! Did you see how she assumed we were husband and wife and not father and daughter that's how you know our age isn't that weird to other people." He explains.

He was right, it wasn't a huge age gap but again I think we experienced life very differently, he seemed very frugal, he's a handsome man with amazing talent and personality, I mean who could deny him?

"I'm just shocked she didn't think I worked for you, I was sitting here like a perfect assistant I thought." I point out, "you are a perfect assistant." He places one of his hands on my thigh and shakes it.

This. This send shivers down my spine, it was like a euphoric sensation, like he was building up to do that, a small slow burn that made my body tense.

"Thank you." I whisper, we were just looking at each other nothing said, I didn't think we'd had a moment like this since I started working for him. Was it weird I thought it was even hotter now? Like forbidden fruit.

"Aster.." he whispers back, "yes?" I ask while his hand remained on my thigh, "do you-" he's cut off by the lady clearing her throat.

We both turn our attention to her, I would think his hand would swipe away from my thighs in an instant but it remained there.

"Here's the other outfit." She says looking at both of us, my cheeks were red I knew just by the way she was looking at me they were, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I looked like an embarrassed child.

"Thank you." He says and slides his hand off slowly, he walks up to her and grabs the clothes off the hanger. I clear my throat from the moment just trying to brush it off. Once he is out the room the lady gives me a look. I smile awkwardly before pulling out the script to highlights Hugh's line.

"Is he married?" She asks softly. I look up at her, "yes." I say. "Ok.." she smiles softly.

"How many other outfits are ready?" I change the subject, "Besides that one just 2 more, Megan wanted to do some shoots for the new book cover just to see how they'd look." She explains.

"New book cover? She never told me." I tilt my head, "she's kinda chaotic at the moment this is her first book, her assistant didn't even call me she came in person and told me she wanted them later this week." She rolls her eyes, "unprofessional in my opinion but hey that's directors for you."

"I'm new to this industry so I'm really hoping she'll learn more throughout like me." I shrug my shoulders.

"Never in my years of working in this industry have I had a director not be a pain in my ass all I'm saying is good luck and hey you get an amazing eye candy youre working for." She winks.

I smile.

Good to know I'm not the only one who wants Hugh.


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