Chapter Three: Voyage Home

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Sinbad started telling the wild tale of his voyage that led him to England.

"In my native land," Sinbad began, "we are benevolently ruled over by a man addressed as the Caliph. I would not go as far to call a man of such elevated status my acquaintance, but my affluent work as a sailor and a merchant has brought us close to one another. I was sent for by him, so I travelled to his castle. 'Sinbad,' he addressed me, 'I must send you on a voyage to bring a gift to the King of Serendib.' This was a king I had met before, and I facilitated the friendship between him and the compassionate Caliph.

"The Caliph knew I did not want to partake on another voyage. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to relay upon you the details of my other voyages, but I had previously been on seven. Each one had given me tremendous amounts of pain and suffering, yet also tremendous wealth which I have the pleasure of gifting to those less fortunate than me. I pleaded with the Caliph and used my formers endeavors to be excused, but he ordered my obedience and sent me with ten thousand sequins. Whatever I did not spend on the voyage was mine to keep, and I could trade whatever I wanted for jewels and gems along the way.

"I knew this voyage could increase my wealth threefold, so I reluctantly gathered a crew and departed. My friend here, Hindbad, is formerly a porter. I made him one of my shipmates because he is a hard worker and crafty merchant.

"I made this trip on a former voyage, so I knew it would not be difficult. I ordered my crew to stop at several properly charted islands on the way to trade for the sequins we were gifted. This effort was wildly profitable, and we already saw more precious gems on our boat than I had ever laid eyes on in my life, and we had not even reached Serendib.

"We left the last island on our way to the King of Serendib with great contentment in our hearts. As we travelled, a loud, animalistic noise flooded the air. We looked into the sky and saw a huge Roc flying toward us. You might not see those around here, I realize. Those are large birds, as big as a castle. I had unsavory encounters with these creatures before. There was one who was a mother, and a former crew of mine had eaten one of its egg for sustenance. No doubt this was that same Roc, since she did not get her proper revenge the first time she attacked my ship. I assume she could detect my scent.

"Coincidentally, the water in front of us started to change. A great puff of black smoke rose from the sea, blinding the path ahead of us. We were too close to the smoke to change directions, and behind us the Roc was readying a stone to throw and split our ship. We hoped going into the smoke would distract the Roc and make her lose our scent.

"We rode into the smoke, unsure of our future, but just as we did, the Roc threw a stone right next to our ship. The entire ship flipped, most of my crewmates fell into the sea. I was lucky enough to know the Roc's attacks, and I held tightly onto the mast before the collision. Hindbad did the same.

"The force of the stone turned our bow downwards. The ship dove into the water. However, the strangest thing happened. Instead of sinking, the black smoke became darker and thicker around us, clouding mine and Hindbad's vision. It started to obscure my breath as well, and I passed out from a fit of harsh coughs.

"It was not until I was laying on this ground here that I awoke. Same for Hindbad. You know the rest of the story, at this point."

King Arthur and Merlin shot each other astonished looks, and all of the port workers behind them were enamored by Sinbad's storytelling abilities.

"Well," Arthur started, "You certainly have come a long way. It sounds like you are wizened by many trials on the sea."

"I concur," Sinbad responded, "but I believe it has all turned me into a greater man, and Allah has strengthened me in it all, like a sword in a kiln. The fire burns, but it toughens."

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