Chapter 1

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Ariana's P.O.V 

That's it I can't take this anymore I'm done. I'm running away. My dad just finished kicking my ribs in and I need to leave before he decides to do something worse. I packed everything I could into a small bag, the $200 I've saved in the last 5 months and lastly my phone charger. 

Just in case, I block the door with a chair I have in the corner, I open my window, and look down I'm on the second floor , but I have jumped out this window numerous times before so I'll be okay.  I plug my ear buds in and Pierce the Veil's Hell Above comes on. I jump from the window and run. I run till I can't run no more. 

I run to my safe place, the place I hide the most, the local park. I go right to my spot, the  weeping willow. "Perfect"  I think to myself the branches are the perfect length to conceal me from anyone wondering around. 

As I sit down and start to get comfortable, I hear an ear piercing scream near the playground area of the park. Me being a curious 17 year old I decide that I want to know what's going on. 

Worst mistake of my life. 

As I got closer to the playground I see 5 guys standing around what looks to be a girl probably around my age. It looked all normal until one of the guys jumped to her throat. I don't know what was happening but the second I saw that I screamed to the high heavens. That caught all of their attentions, they stopped everything they were doing and looked in my direction 

"Mate" the all said at once, I tried to take my chances and run but I couldn't the second I turned around and took two steps two strong arms wrapped around me and held me in place.

"Please, please let me go, I promise I won't say anything but please let me go" I all but begged 

"I think she's the one," One with an Irish accent said "Liam check her."

As Liam  got closer I closed my eyes, I didn't want to see them, I was scared and wanted to run but  I couldn't because the big dummy head behind me has me in a death grip.

"Open your eyes love," Liam said. All I could do was shake my head.

 NO. I wouldn't open my eyes because I scared of what they would do if I did. 

"Harry, I need help, she's not listening." Liam said to Harry . 

"Open your eyes please,"  Harry  said and  immediately my eyes snapped opened with out my consent, 'what's going on, why did they just open like that? How'd he do that?'  I had so many questions running through my head that I was starting to get a headache.

"Calm down love, your ok, we won't hurt you, but you need to calm down, your safe." The one hold me said, he wants me to calm down,  that's not happening as long as he's hold me. 

"P- Pleeeeeease let m-me go, I- I- I won't tell I promise," I begged, I started to panic realizing that they won't let me go. 

Harry  comes up to me looks me in the eyes and says "I think you should go to sleep."  After he said that my eyes just started to get heavy and the last thing I remember before losing to darkness is the guy holding me pick me and start running at inhumane speed. 


I hope you guys liked.  It's my first actual story I have written on Wattpad.

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