Chapter 6

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Ariana's P.O.V

I don't want to move. 

No, lets rephrase that, I can't move. 

I'm being weighed down and crushed, by what? I don't know but I will figure that out when I decide to open my eyes, which is taking longer than hoped for. 

But I was wrong, right as I was falling into dreamland, I hear voices that sound weird, I've never heard these voices before. 

"What do you thinks going to happen when she wakes up?" one of the voices said .

"I don't know, but what I do know is that we need to be more careful. When I picked her up last night, she was so light. I swear that it felt like I was carrying nothing, so we need to make sure she eats." An Irish accent said.

Picked me up.? I don't remember that, what the hell happened last night? I thought to myself. OK time to wake up and figure out who these people are. So I start the act of waking up.

"Lads, shh, I think she's waking up." 

As I opened my eyes, I looked around, and the second I laid eyes on the guys in front of me everything hit me full force. 





OH NO. Run, run for the hills and never turn back!  Is all my mind is screaming at me to do. But as I was about to move one of the guys, Harry I think his name is, grabbed a hold of me, when I processed the movement, I started to thrash around in his grip, trying desperately to get out of his grip, but it was no use.  After a while I gave up and went limp but that was when the tears came. I couldn't stop them. 

With the on come of tears Harry tightened his grip, while the guys pulled into a big group hug. Something I have never been comfortable with was being surrounded with big groups of people, and this right here needs to stop NOW. 

So I tried my hardest to wriggle out of their grips, eventually it worked and I moved as far away from them as possible. Which was falling off the big bed and scooting into a corner and hiding my face in my knees. Praying that this a sick prank or even better, a dream. But it wasn't this is reality and there is no happy ending for me.

"Love, Sweetheart, what's wrong? You can talk to us." Harry said, but I'm doing the exact opposite. You see my defense mechanism is to not talk. The longest I have not talked was for 6 months. So I know that I can go for a while without talking. So to answer them, I just look at them, no emotion on my face. Just a blank stare, nothing is going to be given to them so they can figure out my weakness. I'm strong, and I will make it out of here, that is a must.  

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