Chapter 7

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Harry's P.O.V

She just stopped talking, we haven't heard a noise from her all day. It's killing us, all we want is to hear our precious mates voice, is that too much to ask for? After she woke up, and we talked to her, all I could feel from her is fear. Nothing but pure unadulterated fear.

You see as vampires we are made with super speed, strength, hearing and sight. But also comes other gifts that the Goddess of night gives us. Mine is controlling peoples emotions and actions, Liam's is Payne (A/N: see what I did there. Lol. Yea I know I'm lame. Anyway back to the story.) Niall's is healing. Zayn can control the elements and lastly Louis can read minds.

Louis has been trying to get into her mind all day. But it's like she put up walls to make sure no one could figure out what she's thinking.

So here we are sitting in the living room again watching Toy Story. But the only one truly watching is Liam. But me? I'm watching Ariana. The only thing I'm picking up from her is nothing. It's like her entire body has shut off and she's a robot listening to the things we tell her to do.

I look over to Louis and I can tell he is trying his hardest to get into her head. He makes eye contact with me and can see how upset he looks. I want to know what's going on with my little mate, I really do.

The reason I'm not controlling her actions right now is because I believe in free will. When she is ready she will talk to us, right?

As I look over at her again, she looks like she was about to fall asleep.

"Ok love, lets you get to sleep, you look like your about to fall asleep." I tell her.

I get no response, like usual, its been like this all day. So I pick her up and carry her to her room. Tuck her in, kiss her forehead and watch as she falls asleep.

I turn off the light and close the door and walk down the stairs. I see the boys, and I'm shocked, just a second ago they were fine and and now there eyes are red and fang elongated.

"What's happened?" I asked concerned, the lads are always calm and never lose their temper, the only reason I can think of them acting this way is if Ariana's life is being threatened and the second that Louis says the word, I know that Ariana is being threatened


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