Chapter 3

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Ariana's P.O.V

As I woke up I could hear voices, but I don't know who the voices belong to. I look around my surroundings and realize I don't know where I am. I try to think back to everything that has happened. Ok, 

* Running away from home 

* Running to park

* Found a tree and heard a scream 

* Investigated

* Kidnapped.

NO  this can't be happening, I thought I was free. I ran away. People like me can't have this happen to them. It's not right, I need to be free. 

As I'm thinking all this I don't realize that the people that have kidnapped me have entered the room until the one with gorgeous green eyes and glorious curly/ wavy hair clears his throat getting my attention and my fear to resurface. 

"Hello love, my names Harry, the one with brown puppy eyes is Liam, the one with the blue eyes and dyed blonde hair is Niall, the one with the ocean colored eyes is Louis and last but not least, the guy with the raven black hair is Zayn."

"Please let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone. I just need to leave please. I'm begging you, please let me go." By the end of this the tears that I was oh so desperately trying to keep in, started to trickle down my face, and by the looks of it, they did not like seeing my tears.

"No love don't cry. It's ok you're safe, we are not going to hurt you, we promise. Right guys," Niall says, after he says this all the boys agree and Liam continues. 

"I know you're scared but you don't have to be. The only thing is, is that we can't let you go love, later on we will explain but right now, why don't we get to know each other and build trust okay?" 

I sat silent for a while. How could they expect me to not put up a fight? How can they take me and think I will happy that they took me? What if they are going to kill me? Gain my trust then at the right time kill when I don't expect it. Why else would they want a 17 year old girl. As I thought deeper and deeper, the thoughts just kept getting darker and I was subconsciously backing away until my back hit the headboard. 

I guess the guys took notice to this and started inching their way closer to me making me close into a little ball and whimper in their direction.

"No, it's okay love we won't hurt you. You can trust us. We can't hurt you. Come here sweetheart." Harry said as he was the closest to me. Right as he reached his hand out to touch me,  I screamed like I've never screamed before. For two reasons, one, because I was afraid he was going to hit me and two, because it brought back the flashback of my dad hitting me for the first time. 


I was 4 years old, and my parents have never been the nicest but that's ok right? I have work to do around the house to help my mommy and daddy, since they sleep all day. I was cleaning off the kitchen table when I accidentally dropped a glass cup. UH Oh. Now comes daddy and he's going to yell at me. As I thinking this my daddy comes into the kitchen and sees the broken glass.

I start to tremble in fear. I don't know what he's going to say to me but I know it's bad. 

"It's okay sweetheart, it was an accident, it's okay, come give me a hug." Said my daddy in a really nice voice. That's new. He didn't yell at me for a change. So being the 4 year old I am, I went in for a hug.

Shouldn't have done that.

Right as I was making my way toward my daddy, he slapped me across the face, and pushed me into the glass that was around me. I knew the rules I wasn't suppose to cry and right now I am trying my hardest not to cry because I don't want to get hurt anymore. 

"You ungrateful bitch, how dare you think that breaking a glass cup is not punishable. There will be new rules and this is just the beginning. Now clean up this mess and DO NOT CRY!!!!"

***flashback ends***

Ever since then I have been very careful, and with these men so close it scares me.  What scared me most was that Harry sat on the bed beside me and as gently as possible, pulled me into his lap, whispering sweet words into my ear, trying to calm me down, but I couldn't. I tried to get out of his restraint but I couldn't, he was too strong. 

After 10 minutes of trying to fight I couldn't do it anymore, my arms and legs were getting tired and I just gave up and let him hold onto me. 

"That's a good girl. See we won't hurt you. You're okay. Now lets get you something to eat and we can get to know each. Okay love? you're safe."

I could do nothing but merely nod. I allowed myself to be picked up and carried out of the room. 

As we were walking, I noticed that this place was huge and everything looked so expensive.

The room I was in was at the end of the hallway, and 5 doors lined down the hall. Probably my kidnappers rooms. I thought to myself.  When we reached the stairs, the were grand stairs made of marble and quite long. 

Thank God I'm being carried, I would fall down them if I wasn't

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Thank God I'm being carried, I would fall down them if I wasn't. By the time we reached the bottom I was in relieve because that meant I could eat and hopefully leave soon and be fueled up for when I run.

When I lived with my parents my dad would feed me a few times week, and after a while you get use to that. 

By the time we reached the kitchen, Harry tried to put me down. I clung onto him. I know it sounds weird but I feel like I can trust him. With me clinging to him, he looked down at me with a confused look, whereas I gave him a look begging him not to let me go. 

"Please don't let me go. Please"

To say he was surprised that I just asked this, is an understatement. He just stood there , not saying a word, not moving, nothing. and I feel like I did something wrong. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. If you want you can put me down it's okay. I shouldn't have said anything. Please just don't hurt me. Please,  just don't hurt me." After I said this I tried to get out of his arms, but he held on tighter. Then looked at me weirdly.

"What do you mean don't hurt you and why are you so scared of us?"

Oh shit, I accidentally let it slip.

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