Redo of 4

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I walked back into the house and upstairs into my room. I opened up my lap top and I had so many notifications from YouTube. This very specific notification popped up and it really caught my attention. I looked at it and smiled because def jams wanted to sign me for my singing. I was beyond happy I couldn't hold in my smile it was beginning to hurt my face. I walked down stairs and jumped into Trey arms and started kissing him.

"Baby what's wrong. Why you so happy?" He asked me smiling

"Def Jams want to sign me on for singing!" I said to him while kissing him

"Babe that's wonderful!" He said to me smiling

I looked at my cousin and she was mugging me but for what bitch? I just ignored the glares because I don't have time to be arguing with dumb hoes. I walked into the kitchen where my brother was. I walked up to him to check on him

"How you holding up?" I asked him smiling

"I'm doing good so far!" He said smiling

I walked away from my brother and in the front room where my family was. When I entered the room everyone just looked at me. I smiled and sat down calling my brothers name. I waited for him to come in here because the guy that reads off my mothers letter to see who got what. I was so excited. The man cleared his throat and started to read

"Mother you get all my love. That's all I ever wanted was you was love and you couldn't do that for me you were to busy loving everyone else to even give a shit about me so I leave you with my forgiveness. Mother I love and forgive you!"

"Honey I leave you with our two beautiful kids. I hope you take care of my baby and get her what ever her little heart desires. When ever our son comes back I'll have a little surprise for him."

"Daughter. I'm leaving you with the house we are staying in now. Daddy and I decided we were going to move into some sexy but smaller and we already bought that house so either one daddy wants to give you is yours. I also have a bank account in your name it's about 5.5 million see ya in heaven. Hopefully not soon

"Son. Baby I love you so much and I'm sad that I didn't get to touch you and rub through your hair one last time. But it's okay I leave you with 6.5 million dollars and a house your dad may have never knew about. I couldn't just leave you out like that. You might have to change it cause it's girly but I used to always go there when dad and I would fight. Your sister can go look at the house to and you can go look at hers to see which one you guys like better then sign your name on the lease because it's all,paid for babies. "

At this point I couldn't even fucking sit still I had to tell everyone about what happened.

"Excuse me can I have everyone's attention!" I said smiling

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"Okay I understand you guys prolly don't like me and some more shit but at this point I don't even give af because everyone is around here crying like your crying is going to bring her back. Well it's fucking not. You need to be happy that she doesn't have to sit on this earth and suffer because most of you here I have never seen you a day in my life. Oh shit my mistake I guess you guys only came to see if your name was on the farewell letter well it's not but anyways. Bad things happen to good people but I'm not gone sit here and cry and be sad I'm going to be happy and try and move on and with that being said I'm getting signed to def jams. I said getting super happy.

"In your dreams!" My grandmother said laughing

I turned on the big ass flat screen that went from one wall to the other. I logged into my YouTube account and went to my message from the producer there.

"Hello sweetie I come to inform you that a a few of my co-workers and me that work with the biggest people in the industry found your YouTube channel because you have millions of likes and views. We want to congratulate you on coming down Monday morning at 3 in the after noon and singing us a song. Hope to see you there!"

I looked at my grandma and she wasn't smiling anymore she was actually pissed the hell off and I couldn't help but smile at her for being mad like wtf you mad for bitch. What you mad because you ain't get anything and your grand-daughter is going to make it some where in life? My dad walked up to me and pulled me into the biggest hug I've ever had from him in my whole life.

"I'm sorry for not always being there for you baby!" He said to me kissing my forehead

"I also have an an announcement to make!" Trey said looking at everyone. "I want to be with Arianna for the rest of my life. I love you Arianna always have always will that's why when you were younger and people would try to hurt you I would always be there to save you. I don't ever wanna see you hurt. I love that smile and I expect it to stay on your face twenty four seven!" Trey said in front of everyone

I was lost for words so I walked to the door and went to my car and pulled off. I had way to much shit going on at once.

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