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                    Siobhan's POV;

I left him, I'm finally free of Roger. I didn't care about him anymore, trying make myself believe that he would change his ways. Nothing was ever going to change, no matter what I did. I walked on eggshells around him, flinched everytime he said anything to me. The physical a***e got so bad, I was used too the pain but I knew deep down that I needed to get out.

I had been planning for weeks to make my escape. It didn't go as I had planned though. Roger was at the pub with old friends and I was leaving, had everything I needed. He ended up coming back earlier than I anticipated and when he came through the front door, he saw me with the last of my things. He absolutely lost it, drunk of course. I managed to get away from him, but I left with a black eye and bruises on my arms where he grabbed me, really hard. I finally got out of the house, into my car and drove away.

I cried as I got further away, not knowing where I would go next. I just kept driving, not caring where I ended up. Without realizing, I had ended up down the street to Vivian's house. I turned off my car and sat there, not knowing if she would answer the door if I knocked. I curl up into a ball and tried to myself from crying. After what felt like hours had gone by, I mustered up the courage and straightened up. Pulling down the sun visor to look at my eye, I could see the black eye forming already. Touching my eye, I winced in pain. Sighing, I started my car and drove closer to her house.

I finally turned off my car, and got out. Grabbing my overnight bag, I shut my door, locking it and walking up to Vivian's house. I felt my palms sweat and my heart rate quicken. As I face the front door, taking a deep breathe, I finally knocked. Realizing I had knocked, I began to panic. I turned to leave, but than the door opened. Vivian looking absolutely beautiful as always, realized who I was and said, "Siobhan stop! Come back please!" I froze on the spot, slowly turning around.

She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand when she saw my eye and bruises on my arms. "Siobhan, what has he done to you?" she said stepping closer to me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come," I say walking away. I feel a tug on my arm, realizing Vivian had grabbed my arm, pulling me into her house.

After she closes the door, I broke down. I wanted to tell her I left Roger, but I was unsure of her reaction. "Bon, it's okay, I'm here. Let it all out," she said rubbing my back, trying to calm me down. "I left him Viv, I left Roger for good," I tell her, still shaking. "I'm so proud of you Bon. You're so much stronger than you realize. I'm guessing he did this to you when you left?" Vivian asks cupping my face, and lightly brushing underneath my eye with the thumb. I jump slightly at the pain. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, darling," Viv says as tears fell from her eyes.

"Stay here Siobhan, I wouldn't be able too sleep tonight if you weren't here," Vivian says hugging me. I drop my overnight bag and wrap my arms around her. I inhale her scent and immediately calm down. I feel at such peace and comfort in her presence. "Okay, I'll stay here. My suit cases are in my car. I'm gonna worry about that tomorrow," I say as we break our hug.

"Jamie is at my mum's place for the week," Vivian tells me. "I can set up the guest room for you if you like, I want to make sure your comfortable," Vivian says to me. My heart swelled for the woman standing in front of me. "No," I say almost panicking. Vivian is shocked by my reaction. "I can't be alone right now," I managed to say. "You can sleep beside me than, I'll protect you Bon-bon, I promise," Vivian says. She's so protective of me. I smile at her, I know she wants nothing more than to hold me and protect me.

"I'll show you around the house," Vivian says. "Okay," I respond, following her up the stairs. We come to the top of the stairs and go to the left; she opens up her bedroom door."This is my room. I have a bathroom in here as well. You can put anything you want in there. Please, make yourself comfortable Bon," Vivian says guiding me in.

"Viv, are you sure about all of this? I don't want too impose on you. You've already done so much for me. You're the reason why I finally got the strength to leave him," I say as a tear falls down my cheek, despite my best efforts to not cry anymore. "Bon, I wouldn't have it any other way," Viv says hugging me tight. "Okay, where in the bathroom can I put my stuff?" I ask. "On the left hand side, you can put all of your things there," Vivian says pointing to the left side, where it was currently empty.

I enter the bathroom and put my things on the counter and in the cupboard underneath the sink. "Viv?" I ask, turning to face her. "Yes?" She says, grabbing my hands. "Please, kiss me," I ask, practically begging her. "Are you sure, Bon. I won't ever pressure you to do something you're not ready for," Vivian says, reassuring me. "Please, I need you," I ask again. "Okay,"Vivian says. I look at her lips, and she does the same. My breathe gets heavier and she pulls me by my waist, finally closing the gap between us.

Kissing Vivian was far better than I thought was possible. Her lips were soft and warm, an explosion of fireworks in the pit of my stomach. Putting my arm around her waist and pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. Pur hands started roaming each other's bodies. Tongues fighting for dominance, eventually Vivian wins, as the kiss gets more heated. Vivian eventually pulls away from the kiss, breathing heavily and staring into my eyes. "Siobhan, let's slow down a bit. I know this is all very new to you and no sense in rushing anything," she tells me.

"Can we cuddle Viv? I just want too be held by you, right now. You bring me so much peace and comfort," I explain.  She gives me a kiss, again. A small one this time, than she goes and gets her pajamas. She passes by me, going into the bathroom to change. Vivian comes back out in black, silk 2-piece short and tank top. I bite my lip, looking at her gorgeous figure. She sees me staring at her, and she blushes. I grab my overnight bag and head into the bathroom to change as well. I come back out after washing my face, brushing my teeth and getting my pajamas on.

As I come out, Vivian pulls the covers back, patting the bed for me to join her. A big smile spreads across my face. I climb in next to Vivian without hesitation. The blanket, sheets and pillows smell just like her and I feel like I can breathe again. "Bon, come here," she says opening her arms, snuggling into Vivian, feeling more safe than I have in my entire life. "Thank you Vivian, I am so grateful for you," I say looking at her.

She leans down, kissing my lips softly. "My pleasure Bon, I will always protect you," she says breaking our kiss, squeezing me a bit more. I finally fall asleep, dreaming of the amazing woman who cares so deeply for me.

The Next Morning...

My eyes flutter open as I see the morning sun, shining into the bedroom. I feel arms wrapped around me, as all the memories from last night come back to me. I look up and see Vivian, sleeping peacefully, with her arms wrapped around me. She starts to stir, and opens her eyes, looking at me. "Good morning Bon-bon," Vivian says to me. Even with bed head and no makeup, she still looks gorgeous. "Good morning Viv, I haven't slept that well in so long. It's all thanks to you," I say squeezing her.

"I'll always be here for you, I promise," she days kissing me. "I could stay like this forever," I say snuggling more into her. "Than why don't you?" Viv asks. I sit up quickly, looking at her shocked. "Did you just say what I think you said?" I asked, making sure I wasn't still dreaming. She sits up too, takes my hands and says, "move in with me and be my girlfriend, Bon?"

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