The Start of Something Beautiful

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                      Vivian's POV;

"What did you just say?" Siobhan asks me, tears starting to fall on her cheeks. "You heard me, Bon. Be with me, please? I've never wanted someone more than you," I confessed to her. "I-I, I don't know what to say," Siobhan says as she is shaking. "Bon, it's okay to say no. I won't be upset. We can always wait," I say to her, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. I let go and looked down, unsure of what would happen next. "Yes, I'll move in with you Viv," Siobhan says out of the blue. I snap my head up, "you will?" I ask, nearly in tears.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend too Viv," she adds, looking into my eyes. "When I left Roger last night, I just drove. Not realizing I had driven to your neighborhood. You have a hold on my heart, Viv. I feel as if we were meant to find each other. No matter how much I pushed those feelings aside, because of the things I was told growing up. That having feelings for women, is wrong. I knew from a young age they I was attracted to girls. I hid how I felt because I knew my mum wouldn't approve. So, I just started dating men," Siobhan explains.

"When I got with Roger, everything was incredible at the beginning. The a**** started off as small things, the odd slap here and there, the name calling, the put downs, telling me I'll never amount to nothing. It escalated to physical a****  quite quickly. When I met you, something within me snapped. You gave me a reason go stay, and I've wanted nothing more than to be with you. I'm sorry I pushed you away for the longest time. I want you Viv, it's always been you," Siobhan says, completely red in the face.

I could tell a huge weight lifted off of her shoulders. I was shocked by what Siobhan just said. "I am so proud of you, Bon. It makes me so happy to hear you open up to me. I knew you from the moment I saw you, I knew you were the right woman for me. It took a long time, but you've overcome so much," I pour my feelings out to Siobhan.

"When you showed up at my house last night, I knew you had finally left him. It broke my heart when you started walking away apologizing for coming to my house. It broke my heart even more when I saw your eye and the bruises on your arms," I said stroking her arms gently, outlining the bruises. "I can only imagine the pain you felt when it happened. I just want to wrap you in a blanket of protection and never let go. You're my person Bon," I say to Siobhan.

Watching her reaction to what I said to her, was everything. Siobhan leans in, kissing me. She moved her hands, one on my face and the other one on my waist, pulling me closer to her. I moan, tasting her. The kiss was full of passion and acceptance. The way we react to each other let's me know that she was finally her true self when she was with me. Siobhan pulled away from our kiss, completely full of smiles. My heart skipped a beat, seeing her so happy.

"So, what shall we do as our first day being girlfriends? I ask her, playing with her hair. "Can I fully move in all my things from my car?" she asks nervously. I giggle, "of course we can. Come on, I have a robe you can wear," I say getting out of bed. I grab my black robe and put it on Siobhan, giving her a kiss. We head downstairs, and Siobhan grabs her car keys out of her purse. We unlock the front door and quickly gather her suit cases from the car.

Luckily, she only had 3 suitcases. we get them up to our room, and slowly remove everything from the suit cases. "The closet on your left is empty. It's all yours now, beautiful," I say pulling her close to me, kissing her. I couldn't believe she was finally mine. "Are you sure you want me Viv? I'm a broken woman who couldn't love properly. I don't want to mess this up with you," Siobhan says pulling away fron our kiss, as tears fall down her cheeks. "Bon, you are my life. Well, besides Jamie of course. You both are a blessing in my life," I explain, wrapping my arms around her. 

Around 2 hours later...

We had finally finished organizing and putting everything away. The master bedroom felt much more full now. My girl was so happy, finally. She was the light in my life I didn't realize that I was missing. When my ex-wife and I finally divorced, I needed a fresh start for Jamie and I. I fought for full custody and to strip my ex-wife's parental rights to Jamie.

I won in the end, she was physically a**** to both Jamie and I. Since she wasn't Jamie's biological mother, it made it so much easier. I packed up me and Jamie's things, and left. Moving here caused a lot of anxiety for me, bit we settled here quite quickly. Finding Siobhan was a blessing in disguise.

She was a breathe of fresh air. I couldn't wait for Jamie to meet Siobhan outside of the nursery. Jamie knew who she was, but there is a big difference between the nursery and home, especially now that Siobhan is living here and we are now in a relationship as well.

"Babe, what's on your mind?" Siobhan asks. I blush at the new nickname. "I'm alright darling," I say lying, hoping that she believes me. "Don't lie to me Viv. Please, tell me what's wrong? I want to help," Siobhan says squeezing my hand. I sigh, before saying, "I'm nervous for you and Jamie meeting outside of the nursery for the first time. He's met ypu before, but it's different this time. We are living together and in a relationship now as well," I confess to her.

"I understand you're anxious, darling. Try not to think about it now. We will cross that bridge once he is home," Siobhan says comforting me. I melt into her hug, feeling at ease in her arms.

"How is it that you know just what to say, at the right time?" I ask Siobhan. "I'm not sure. It feels like whenever your sad, anxious, angry or upset, I can feel it," Siobhan says. "I try and help or comfort as much as I can," she says with sparkling eyes. "Let's go get some breakfast and a coffee, darling," I say as we both get dressed. I put on my signature blue striped blouse and black jeans. Siobhan wears her long sleeve black top and dress pants. She walks into the bathroom to put on her makeup.

I see Siobhan inspecting her black eye, sighing. My heart breaks for Siobhan, having to deal with a man like Roger for so long. I come up behind her, wrapping my arms around her, trying to comfort her. "It will heal Bon, it just takes time," I tell her, wanting to take the pain away. "How could I not see it sooner, Viv? I was so blind for so long," Siobhan says, holding back tears.

I promise nothing like that will ever happen to you ever again," I say as I turn Siobhan to face me. "I will never do that to you Bon, you don't deserve it," I say reassuring her. "I know you won't. I just want to live my life, not waiting to be in fear of him," she says looking into my eyes.

"I'm just going to cover up the black eye, and we can get going," she says turning to the mirror again. I go downstairs to wait for her. I truly wanted nothing but the best for her, she has been through so much, for so long. I hear her coming down the stairs, I turn to see her, looking beautiful. The way she did her makeup, you would ever know she had a black eye.

"Come on darling," Siobhan said grabbing my hand, starting to head for the front door. "Bon, hold on," I said pulling her to me. "Yes, Viv?" she asked curiously. I looked deep into her eyes, her beautiful ocean blue eyes. Cupping her cheek with one hand, and I kissed her. Gently at first, and deeper as the seconds pass. She breaks our kiss, asking, "what was that about?" I looked at her and said, "because you deserve all  the kisses in the world."

My Comfort Person- Shivian.  Where stories live. Discover now