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              One week later...

Siobhan had been finally able to properly breathe since she left Roger. A week had passed and she heard that Roger had gotten arrested two days after she left. Tax fraud and illegal overseas activities. As far as she knew, Roger would spend the rest of his miserable life, in prison. It was the morning when Jamie would be coming home after spending the week with Vivian's mum.

Siobhan paced back and forth, anxiously awaiting Jamie's return home. "Bon, it's gonna be fine. He knows who you are from the nursery," Vivian says to her, trying to get Siobhan to relax. "It's an entirely different setting Viv. Not only that, but we are dating, and living together now. It's gonna be a big adjustment for a child his age," Siobhan says, picking at her nails. Vivian grabbed one of Siobhan's hands, leading her to the sofa. "Bon, please sit," Vivian says with a firmer tone.

Sighing, Siobhan agreed reluctantly, sitting down. "I promise everything will be-" Vivian started talking, but was interrupted when the doorbell rang. Siobhan's eyes became wide as she began to get more nervous. Vivian gets up and walks to the front door. Opening it, she is greeted by her mum and Jamie. "Mummy!" Jamie exclaims, running full speed into Vivian's arms she crouches down to his level, opening her arms to him.

"Hi baby boy, how was your week with Nan?" Vivian asks Jamie, ruffling his hair. "It was so fun, mummy," Jamie said, excitedly. "How was he, mum?" Vivian asked her mum, as she stands up with Jamie in her arms. "He was a pleasure to have over. I would love to take him again for another week," her mum said. "I've got to go Vivian, I'll see you later," her mum says waving before giving both Jamie and Vivian a kiss on their foreheads. "Bye Nan!" Jamie says waving to her before Vivian closes the door.

Siobhan goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water, trying to calm her nerves. "Bon, where are you?" Vivian calls for her girlfriend. "In the kitchen Viv," she replies. Vivian walks into the kitchen with Jamie in her arms. "Jamie, you remember Siobhan, don't you darling?" Vivian asks Jamie as Siobhan turns to face them both. Jamie's face lights up, remembering her from the nursery. "Bon-bon! Nursery teacher!" Jamie says reaching for Siobhan, wanting too be held by her.

Vivian was unsure, but Siobhan smiled and took Jamie into her arms. "That's right Jamie, I used to work at the nursery," she said to Jamie. Vivian's heart melted at the sight of her two favorite people getting along so well. She was very worried about how Jamie would react, seeing Siobhan in his home. The nickname Jamie had for Siobhan, made her heart melt.

Jamie looked at Siobhan, giving her a cheek kiss, saying "pretty" to Siobhan. Tears began to form in her eyes, threatening to spill over. Vivian could hardly contain her emotions, her heart bursting at what Jamie said to Siobhan. "You're a very sweet boy, Jamie. What would you like to do?" Siobhan asked him. "Snack and Paw Patrol," Jamie says very excited as he clings onto Siobhan.

"Okay, let's get you set up. What would you like for a snack?" Siobhan asks Jamie as she opens the refrigerator. "Strawberries, blueberries and pineapple," Jamie replies. "I'll grab it babe, you get him set up in his booster seat at the table," Vivian tells Siobhan. She puts Jamie in his booster seat and puts Paw Patrol on for him. Vivian brings his snack, and wraps her arms around Siobhan, pulling her into a bruising kiss.

"Bon, I don't think I've ever been more attracted to you than I am right now," Vivian whispers in Siobhan's ear, causing her to gasp as she blushes. "That went better than I expected. He's warmed up to you already," Vivian says between kisses. "He is a very special boy Viv. You've done a great job raising him," Siobhan says, complimenting Vivian. She blushes, trying to hide her face in her hands.

"Bon, I'm so proud of you. You've overcome so much in just a week's time," Vivian says looking at Siobhan with a warm smile. "It's been a rough few days, but things are slowly getting better," Siobhan says to Vivian with a dopey grin on her face. All of a sudden, Siobhan's phone buzzes in her pocket. She looks nervously at Vivian, taking her phone out to see who it is.

Reece: Hi Siobhan. Autumn and I would like you to meet us at the nursery tomorrow morning at 10AM sharp. We have some things we would like to discuss with you.

Siobhan looked worried, wondering what this meeting would be about. She showed the text to Vivian. "I think you should definitely go Bon, it could be something good. Since Roger's in prison now, they may ask you to return to the nursery," Vivian says interlocking her fingers with Siobhan's. "You're right Viv. I'm going to stay optimistic about this. I want to get back to being me and finding myself again," Siobhan says as they see Jamie giggling at his favorite TV show. Siobhan replies to Reece's text.

Siobhan: Hello, Reece. I'll be there at 10AM. Looking forward to the meeting.

Vivian smiled at her girlfriend, knowing she was taking the necessary steps to taking her life back. "Darling, why don't we take Jamie to the park later?" Siobhan asks Vivian. "Well, I have to be at work in 2 hours time, darling. I was gonna get Jamie ready for nursery and drop him off," Vivian says to Siobhan. "I can look after him today, Viv. I don't want to be alone at home today. Plus, it'll be good for Jamie to get to know me a bit better outside of the nursery," Siobhan says to Vivian, hoping she'll agree.

"Okay, but make sure you ring me if anything happens. I trust you with him, but I will still worry," Vivian says cuddling into her girlfriend. "I promise babe," Siobhan replies, kissing Vivian's forehead. Siobhan makes her way over to Jamie, sitting beside him. "Jamie?" Siobhan asks him. "Yes Bon-bon?" Jamie asks curiously. The nickname still making her smile.

"Mummy is going off to work soon, how would you like to spend the day with me?" Siobhan asks, unsure of his answer. Jamie instantly gets excited. "Yes Bon-bon!" Jamie claps with a big smile on his face. Vivian giggles, seeing how excited her son was to spend the day with Siobhan. Not long after, Jamie begins to yawn and rub his eyes.

Vivian walks over to her son and says, "would you like mummy to tuck you in for your nap darling?" Jamie shakes his head and points to Siobhan. "I want Bon-bon," Jamie replies. Vivian turns to Siobhan, who is already walking over to Jamie. He does grabby hands to Siobhan, as she picks him up. "Come on Jamie, time for a nap little man," she says as she walks up the stairs with him in her arms.

Jamie falls asleep in her arms, and she sets him in his bed. "Sweet dreams Jamie, we'll play once you wake up," Siobhan says covering Jamie with his blanket. Siobhan makes her way downstairs where Vivian is getting ready to head off to work, wearing her signature blue scrubs, stethoscope drapped down her shoulders and hair in her signature half up, half down hairstyle. Siobhan bites her lip seeing her girlfriend look so beautiful in her work uniform.

"You look absolutely stunning Viv," Siobhan says walking over to her girlfriend, kissing her. Vivian blushes and kisses Siobhan back, passionately. "You don't have to watch him babe. However, I do appreciate it," Vivian says cuddling into Siobhan. "I want too," Siobhan says admiring Vivian's gorgeous face. "Have a good day darling, I'll see you later," Siobhan says to Vivian as she heads out for work. "Bye Bon," she says kissing her before leaving.

               A few hours later...

Vivian was on her way home from work. It was an exhausting day, but she was so excited to see her two favorite people. She pulls into the driveway of her home, seeing the TV flicker through the curtain of the living room. She walks up to the house, with a warm smile spreading across her face. As she enters the house, she sees Jamie and Siobhan sleeping on the couch. Jamie is curled up on Siobhan's chest.

Vivian smiled, knowing she made the right decision asking Siobhan to be hers. She felt the same flutter in her stomach that she has felt for a long time towards Siobhan. She was falling in love with her.

My Comfort Person- Shivian.  Where stories live. Discover now