Chapter XII: Naomi vs. Wren - Frigid Winds (Pt.3)

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       "What?" Naomi said, perplexed as Wren's power rose even higher until it was far beyond what she had expected.

       [EQN: 11,085,000. Temporary enhancement completed.]

       "Whuuuu," Wren exhaled in a prolonged breath.

       "Can't believe I had to rely on J's meditation breathing. I hadn't planned on failing today," she stated, lucid again. She touched her hair, only just then noticing its state.

       "You're gonna pay for this," she promised, "and not just the hair: you'll pay for the embarrassment I'll face of failing my dad. You're also going to pay for forcing me actually to have to put real effort into a mission. I've never had to work hard to please him. I haven't had to give anything my all since I was human..."

       Her look suddenly snapped into a severe and threatening glare. Her once blue eyes now searing orange-red.

       "Unfortunately for you, you've put me in a position where killing you is the only way I'll be able to redeem myself. For the love of the man who once saved me and the faith he's placed in me, I swear I won't fail. Tonight is your last night breathing," she warned forebodingly, flexing more of her chaotic power.

       Naomi had no retort this time. She had to admit she'd been a little overconfident since seeing Wren lose it. That kick earlier had caught her by surprise and could've killed her had Wren been sane enough to aim it at a more vital spot. Now that Wren was back to normal and supercharger to boot...

       She exhaled nitrogen gas as she gathered power, beginning her transformation. Her snowflake ascension mark on the back of her left hand began to glow blue. She could feel her cheeks tingle as frost whickers formed and ice framed around her chin. Then she felt four extensions of ice manifest from her lower back in the form of her frost tails as a pair of blue-furred fox ears grew from the top of her head, replacing the ones she once had on the sides. Next, her nails extended into deep blue razor-sharp claws as her transformation completed with the whites of her eyes turning completely black and her irises glowing a steely, icy blue.

       Wren shot an annoyed expression at her.

       "Guess Trevor was right about you all getting stronger," she commented, but her expression quickly became quizzical. "Strange. Why doesn't your energy feel buoyant like before? If anything, it feels specious now."

       "Says the one with four different spirit energies," Naomi remarked as she lowered into a crouch, ready to spring should Wren make any sudden moves. She focused all her enhanced senses on Wren, who began to float upwards.

       "Fair enough," she remarked from above as dozens of fireballs the size of cars appeared in the sky overhead. Then, with a flick of her wrist, they began to fall toward Naomi.

       Naomi stood like a deer in headlights as she craned her neck to look up. She had to admit there was a lot more heat coming from the fireballs than moment before.

       "Let me know if my flames are still 'too weak,'" Wren grinned.


Fun fact: Depending on her preference, Wren's spirit energy changes between ocean blue, earthy brownish orange, fiery orange-red, and a wispy light green

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Fun fact: Depending on her preference, Wren's spirit energy changes between ocean blue, earthy brownish orange, fiery orange-red, and a wispy light green.

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