Chapter VII: Breaking News (Pt.1)

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       We were a week into our training. Throughout that week, I found that I wasn't limited to just my human form or my evolved form. With Viraa as a primer, my body could withstand me channeling the power within my mark bit by bit, granting extra strength, speed, and durability so that I would only have to use the full transformation if needed.

       I also discovered my limit with the Construct cintracy. According to Viraa, it allows me to create small, inorganic, or uncomplicated organic items. She warned me that using the power required me to understand the makeup of what I wanted to make but not to have my expectations concerning it too high.

       She admitted that while certain cintracies had the compacity to evolve under the right circumstances, even she, after 1.3 billion years of possessing it and studying the anatomy of many different lifeforms, required decades of pushing the cintracy to its limits to create something as complex as the infant bodies of the Primordials.

       So, with my knowledge and skills, I couldn't create anything large or living, but I could create multiple smaller objects, like steel projectiles or blueberry Belgian waffles (I had to try).

       At the moment, though, I was in the middle of a sparring match against Tymon. He wasn't transformed since that would be going too far, but he was still clearly not taking me seriously, which, if I'm being honest, I found a tad bit insulting.

       Tymon casually dodged one of my kicks and used my momentum to send me sliding past him.

       "You're not fighting humans; don't waste your time with such obvious kicks like that. Deliver quick, precise attacks with explosive power behind them," he instructed, taunting me as he beckoned me forward.

       Slightly embarrassed, I got to my feet and shot multiple projectiles of spirit-enhanced brackets that caught him at the neck and one of his wrists and pinned him to the wall behind him.

       Tymon tried to break free with force, but I had enough energy on the binds to ensure he wasn't going anywhere.

       I crossed my arms as I looked at him smugly.

       "Was that precise enough for you?" I teased.

       Tymon smirked and melted into the shadows his body cast onto the wall behind him. I noticed the rest of the shadows had come to life and spread across the walls and floor.

       Crap. He could pop up from anywhere now.

       "Where is he?" I muttered to myself, searching the room.

       Use Temporal Sight, Viraa said in an obvious tone, but it was too late.

       I felt something grab both my ankles and pull me down. I yelped in surprise as the next moment, I fell from the ceiling and hit the floor with a thud.

       "Owww," I moaned as Tymon stood over me, extending a helping hand.

       "You're too slow," he commented.

       "You caught me off guard. What was I supposed to do?" I griped as I took his hand.

       "You should've used Temporal Sight," he and Viraa said in unison.

       "Yeah, well, easier said than done. I have to concentrate to use it."

       That is because you only try using it to view the far future. Try limiting it to just a peek. Like what you accomplished when you faced Wren, remember?

       "Oh yeah," I'd forgotten about that. It was accidental, but I did manage to see a few seconds into the future back then. It saved my life. "I can try applying that when we start combat training again, but let's take a break from that for now. There's something I've been practicing, but I'll need help testing it out."

       "What kind of help?" Michael called out from behind me. I turned to see him entering the room.

       "Perfect, I was going to ask you to join us," I stated. "I figured since I don't have any elemental abilities, I should come up with a technique that'd give me an advantage against those who do. Then I remembered what Viraa was teaching me after I woke up, about how I could use my spatial energy's repellant energy defensively."

       "You mean the force field you created before," Michael clarified.

       "Yes, I call it 'Stasis Field,' but instead of making it large enough to fit others inside, I'll focus on encompassing only me. That's not all, though: I want to develop it further. I need to be able to conserve energy by applying just the right amount of energy needed to strengthen it, depending on what attack is thrown at me. If I can do that, then even elements wouldn't be able to reach me, at least not immediately."

       "It sounds like you have a plan. How are we supposed to help you with that?" Michael inquired.

       "She wants us to attack her," Tymon answered, having understood my train of thought.

       "Arne's punch didn't break through; this may be a task better suited for Za'Fia, not the two of us," Michael commented.

       "Right," I laughed nervously as I lightly scratched my cheek. "Tymon's right about me needing you to attack me, but it can't be simple attacks. Like I said, I want to be able to defend myself against the elements too. To get the practice I need, it has to be energy-based attacks thrown at me, and since you two are the most powerful..."

       "You figured we'd give you the most challenge," Tymon finished.

       "Exactly. So, Tymon, you should use your 'Black Fists,' and Michael, you should use your 'Bright Talons.' That way, I get good practice."

       "That's too extreme for practice," Tymon stated, shaking his head in objection.

       "I agree," Michael asserted. "It's far too risky."

       I closed my eyes, calmed my mind, and concentrated on raising my energy slightly above theirs.

       "There. Your attacks shouldn't immediately get through since I'm currently more powerful. Besides, Michael is right here if anything goes wrong."

       "That's..." Tymon and Michael looked at me as if they wanted to object but still couldn't.

       "Fine." They said reluctantly.

       "Great!" I exclaimed in excitement. "But just start off with one strong attack first; don't treat this like an actual sparring match. I want to get a feel for defending first."

       "Alright," Tymon replied as he walked to stand about two dozen feet to my right, and Michael moved the same distance to my left. "At least I know you won't die from this."

       Tymon's right fist began to emit dark energy that intensified as he applied Last Breath. Meanwhile, threads of pure light wrapped tightly around Michael's right foot until it formed a talon-shaped appendage.

       "Hhh," I breathed out as I manifested 'Stasis Field' around me. "Go."

       They both shot toward me and attacked simultaneously. My spatial energy halted their attacks; thankfully, even Last Breath couldn't reach me.

       Gusts of wind were generated from the skirmish of our energies. I could feel them trying to push against me, but it wasn't nearly as strenuous keeping them at bay as it should have been.

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