5. Responsibility

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I sat on the edge of the bed which was kept infront of me, my heart raced. This is it. This is the moment every girl dreams of, right? A quiet blush spreads across my cheeks as I glance around the room. The room that now belongs to me also, his room, Prataap Ji's room. My heart swells with warmth as I think about him, who is now my husband.

My bridal attire which was red, shining in the candle light, reminding me that I'm someone's wife now. I'm devoted to someone now.

I run my fingers nervously over the soft fabric of my saree, the red bangles on my wrists tinkling gently. I am married to him, just a few hours ago, I was sitting in front of the sacred fire, surrounded by the warmth of the holy rituals, tying our fates together. And now, I am in his room, our room, waiting for him.

I feel like, I belong somewhere, like I have found someone who will love me. My lips curve into a small smile as I think about the moment when I first saw him, sitting infront of my uncle with his father. He didn’t say much there, but there was something very captivating about him, something kind, gentle. I close my eyes, picturing a future with him, a future where I would be loved and treated like his equal, like a partner, not a burden.

A burden which I has been to everyone my life.

I shake the thought away, unwilling to let the darkness creep in. That’s over now. I’m no longer in my uncle and aunt’s house, no longer the girl who was treated like a servant, shouted at, beaten when I made the slightest mistake, no longer the girl who was constantly reminded she was unwanted, unloved, unworthy. I'm Aadrika and I know that now I'll be loved, I'll be respected.

My hands tremble slightly as I adjust my veil, nervously waiting for his arrival. A million thoughts race through my mind, what will he say?

The door creaks open, and my breath catches in my throat. He stepped into the room, his tall frame silhouetted by the dim light from the corridor. His presence fills the room, commanding and sure, yet there’s an air of calm about him. I lower my gaze shyly, my heart beating wildly in my chest. I need to calm myself first.

I stand up quickly, my feet brushing against the cool floor as I move towards him. My aunt told me to touch his feet when he comes in the room. I stretched my hands to reach his feet, to show him the respect he deserves. I was about to touch it when he suddenly grabs my wrist gently.

"लक्ष्मी है आप हमारे घर की, इज्जत है आप हमारी, पैर तो हमे आपके छूने चाहिए।"

(You are the Lakshmi of my house, you are my honour, I must touch your feet)

"Don't" My voice came low when he bended down.

He still streched his hand and touched my feet, I was feeling like I'm getting all the lost respect in once. He stood up and I lowered my gaze.

I freeze at that moment, startled by his touch. I lift my eyes to meet his. There’s no anger in his face but a strange sort of distance, like he’s a thousand miles away even though he’s right in front of me. I swallow hard, unsure of what to say. My heart, which had been so full of hope just moments ago, feels a sudden tightness.

He clears his throat, and steps back slightly, as if creating a barrier between us "Aadrika ji" he begins, and my name on his lips sends a shiver down my spine. "There’s something you should know"

I nod, my fingers twisting nervously in the folds of my saree. What could it be? Did I something wrong?

“I am a revolutionary leader,” he says, his voice steady and unwavering.

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