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Your pov

Naruto is my most favorite TVs show ever! I love to watching it 24/7! *sigh* if only the Naruto world was real....that would be awesome...I've only watched the series like....24 times so I know it word for word and scene for scene also the mistakes n such.

Next thing you know your passed out like you were put under a genjustu.

I wake up in the most strangest place ever it's all anime-ish n stuff....*gasp* you notice two pairs of feet one to your left and one to your right "KAKASHI SENSEI SHE'S WAKING UP!" someone says. WAIT KAKASHI?! am I in...no...it can't be....I'M IN THE NARUTO WORLD OMI FREAKIN GOSH AHHHHHHHHHH! I shoot open my eyes and sit up and look at my hands and their anime? Awesome...you look ahead to see Kakashi, Sakura. Naruto to your left and Sasuke to you right. OMI GOSH I'M RIGHT FRIGGIN NEXT TO NARU-CHAN AND DUCKBUTT-KUN! Hee...duckbutt...

I almost have a nosebleed from them being so close to me I stand up and look at my outfit which looks like the outfit I was wearing when I fell asleep in my bed which was my favorite pair of pj pants and a black dress shirt thing that had sleeves that stopped a bit past my elbows and it said 'TOO BUSY BEING AWESOME TO CARE' with awesome in a shiny bronze looking box fabric thing. And to which I have my phone and phone charger with me..somehow..

I pull out my phone to which my surprise Kakashi comes closer to me and takes it to inspect what the heck it is.

"Hey...that's my phone!" I say jumping up and down trying to get it back. "Give it back Kakashi!" I said. Kakashi looks down on me and says "How do you know my name? I never told you." Shit....okay c'mon brain think! So I don't get my ass whooped by Kakashi! Just then Naruto says "I think she overheard me when I said she's waking up Kakashi... unless she's psychic and can read minds!"

I'm not sure if I can...but I know what's going on at some points and and I know everyone's names and what they're gonna say.....so yeah I can read minds sure! In a way.

I quickly grab my phone while he's distracted and jump around in victory.

"I GOT MY PHONE BACK! I GOT MY PHONE BACK! UH!" I said that then punched a tree into nothing I step back completely shocked and look at my hand and open it and close it while smiling.

"Awesome." I say while still opening and closing my hand I turn around to see everyone with a shocked face.




"Wait. So you didn't know you could punch that well? It seems to me that you aren't from around here...now that I think about it you are wearing some strange clothes that I don't recognize from anywhere." Kakashi states.

I look down at my PJ's and think 'shit.....what am I gonna do?!...he doesn't recognize my dimensions clothes! shitshitshitshit what the fuckleberry am I gonna do? everyone is staring at me....nooo...' I do the only thing I know I can do during these tuff situations and that is... RUN AND HIDE! but wait they're Ninjas I can't run out them...but...I just demolished that tree with only a punch what else can I do? Maybe I can outrun them...yeah okay here I go 3...2...1!!!!!!

I dart off in a completely random direction and I hear all of them following.

"Wait!.....Stop!...." I hear Sakura yell.

"Hey!...We don't even know your name!" Naruto yells.

"But I know all of yo- " I cut myself off before I get into more deep shit.

I trip on a tree branch and fall onto the ground and groan as I get up and look ahead to see Kiba with Akamaru, Neji, and Shikamaru while Kalashnikov and the others catch up and I'm just sitting there all innocent like.

"Kakashi who is this? It seems like she was running from you." Shikamaru states.

"Well I just said some things and everyone was stating at her confused and she just darted off...we don't even know her name or where she came from." Kakashi replies.

Well damn I'm not even here 10 minutes and I'm already in some deep shit.

"She also has a weird looking weapon with her." Kakashi says.

"IT'S NOT A WEAPON!" I yell back defending my physically harmless phone still sitting.

"She sure has a wild temper." Kiba says.

"I would have to agree with that." Neji replies.

Well now what I've got like 7 ninjas questioning me like crazy...wow.

"What's your name?" Kakashi asks.

Should I be smart ass and say my name then when someone tries to introduce themselves I say theirs and everyone else's?....nah


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