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Your pov

"Y-your my brother?!?" You say shocked and confused. "Yeah! I missed you so much! How did you get back from....you know where?" You calm down a bit knowing that he knows so you wouldn't have to explain as much. "Well....uhh, you know what, I think it would be better if I tell you later....In private, you know?" You say gesturing to the confused look on Gaara's  friends faces. "Oh, right, later..yeah sounds good." He goes back to his emotionless mood and we say our goodbyes. 'Oh my gosh, that's the first time I've ever seen Gaara  have emotion, I mean like, I'm sure I saw it as a child but since I got my memory erased, I forgot it....what was my childhood like? Why did I have to leave?.....what would've happened if I stayed?' These questions were bouncing around in my head for a good long while before I was interrupted by Sakura and Ino. "Hey y/n!" They say in union. "Hey gals, what's up?" They both giggle. "WERE GOING SASUKE HUNTING!" They say excitedly. "....I thought you two were rivals?" You say confused. "Yeah! But seeing as you're back...It tended us of the good times we had as a child, and....We missed it and so we decided to put the past behind us and we're starting fresh!" They say happily. "Really?! That's great I'm so happy!" 'Woah...I'm changing the story! So...they  would've stayed friends if I stayed? What else is gonna change......oh my gosh I'm changing the whole plot to Naruto! What's gonna happen! Soon I won't be able to predict anything!...

Like as if I never left.....

Woah......' "Hello! Y/n? You there?" Ino says. "Oh what yeah....I'm here." You reply. "You kinda zoned out a bit there....I THINK YOU NEED SOME SASUKE!" Sakura  says. "WHAT THE FUCK! NO I DON'T! YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY!" You say. "NONSENSE! besides...We might catch him....shirtless! Eeeeeeee!" They both say. "Ughh." 'That's truueeeee! And besides you get to eavesdrop on their convo  with Kiba.'

They drag you to the training grounds and luckily they were there. "Woah, Naruto is there too, and Kiba! I wonder what they're doing." Sakura whisper says. "Ooo, him and Sasuke don't look happy." Ino adds in. 'She's right.....and it's because of me....' "Hey y/n, do you have any idea on why they're unhappy with Kiba?" Sakura asks. "Nope! None! Nada! *awkward laugh* haven't got a clue!" You say nervously. "Ook?" She replies.

We find a tree and listen in. "KIBA! DO YOU HAVE A THIS FOR Y/N?!?!" Naruto says furiously. "What no! I-heh-I mean like....she sure is pretty..and and heh stuff *rubs back of neck while kicking dirt lightly* why?" Kiba responds. They have red faces full of anger and jealously while yours is red for different reasons.

They beat Kiba to a pulp.

"DON'T YOU EVER COME WITHIN BREATHING DISTANCE-NO! SEEING DISTANCE OF Y/N! IF YOU EVEN SMELL HER PERFUME OR EVEN THINK ABOUT HER....are you thinking about her?" Naruto says. "Well now I am." Kiba  responds. "THAT'S IT! YOU'RE  DEAD YOU LITTLE BUTT  MUNCH!" Sasuke yells before punching Kiba.

Ino and Sakura  are blown out of their minds and they turn back to look at you but you already ran off, fear of what they might do so you just run home and decide to stay there for as long as needed.

♡♧♡♧♡♧♧♡time skip♧♡♧♡♧♡♧♡♧

As I enter my new home, I decided to look around and explore the rest if my castle, ya know, to get it to feel more like home and to get familiar with it, and maybe find some treasures.

As you're looking around your library, you find a camera. "Ooo! Maybe I liked to take photos as a child." You say to yourself and turn on your camera.

You find old photos of you and your friends just playing around and having the time of your lives. You just so happen to find this photo in it.

You blush seeing Naruto like that, and you start to wonder

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You blush seeing Naruto like that, and you start to wonder...how in the actual FUCK did you get into the boy section without getting caught?!? You shrug it off seeing as you got away with it. You find another picture.


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"WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY PICTURES OF ohhhhhh.......that would explain my crushes on them both bECAUSE  MAYBE I HAD CRUCIS ON THEM BEFORE I LEFT!" You say to yourself as you stumble upon this photo.


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"Wait...I TOOK THAT PHOTO!? That would explain why I'm not in it....but wait, I left way before this was taken....who used my camera?...better ask Uncle Saru." You say to yourself. "You know you can ask me right?" "Oh right, sorry Nekomu, anyway, who took this photo?" "Your uncle did, since you were gone, he thought you'd might like to have that in there." "Oh how nice."
"You should bring that with you, so you can create more memories." "Good idea, thanks Nekomu." "Yup."

You bring the camera with you to the training grounds to and other places and try to capture as much as you want.

Sup people, anyway I know it's late and I suck at updates but I'm back at it yall! I turned 16 this month..............jesus christ.........and I've had this story since I was 14.....holy shit balls......anyway, a lot more dirty stuff  is coming just you wait little perverts, and there will be more intense moments and things so grab your popcorn pull down your pants and bend over because this is going to be one hell of a ride...peace peace ✌

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