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Your Pov 

"K-Kiba?!?!? Why would he - I mean like-what?" I say confused and shocked. "I don't know why he would appear, let's go talk to him Naruto...alone." Sasuke said and he seemed jealous...just a bit. "Wha?!?! What do ya mean "alone" why can't she come with us?" Naruto asks slightly pissed that I can't come. "You'll see now c'mon  let's go find Kiba." "Fiiiiiine, later Y/N!" Naruto says excitedly. "Yeah, later Snowflake." Sasuke  says all smug. "HEY! HOW COME YOU HAVE A NICKNAME FOR Y/N!!?!?!" Naruto says with steam coming out of his ear and he's red with rage. "Relax Naruto it's just me and Sasuke  were  hanging out one day and he said that he would call me it no ifs ands or butts about it." I say. "What the?! I didn't say that I just said I'm calling you it cause I want to, where did you get the ifs  ands or butts  thing?" Sasuke asks. Oh shitohshitohsit  I may have blown  my cover as "a normal-ish ninja" ah! What do I say? FUCK IT I'LL JUST WINGS IT DONT FUCK THIS UP BRAIN! "It's just a thing me and my siblings did when we were little and it just stuck." Wow that was good. "Oh cool! I guess we should bring it back since you can't remember your siblings as much or they're gone." Naruto says. "Gee Naruto, thanks for the uplifting  spirits." You say sarcasticly. "Thanks Y/N!" Naruto says slightly  blushing. Wow I can get away with sarcasm  and seem like the nicest  person alive, nah I'll tell him it was sa-  no wait I'll let him have this one I forgot about his childhood, FUCK NOW IM GONNA  CRY! JUST THINK  OF PUPPIES! Hehe  cute little floof  balls waddling  around...waddle waddle waddle hee! "Y/N? you okay?" Naruto asks worried.  "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, just remembering the fun times I had with my friends." I say. "Oh okay, do you miss them?" Naruto asks. "Sometimes, but I got you knuckleheads for that, you guys remind me of my friends a lot." I say. "Well that's good but we have to go see Kiba now so bye." Sasuke says. "Okay bye!" I say back.

I decided to go for a walk and noticed a red headed person around my age with two other people but decided to brush it off because I never noticed it in the anime so I just assumed they were extras.

(Time skips cause you saw Ichiraku Ramen and stopped for some)

I was walking home and I saw the red hair again so I decide to check it out and when I was in the tree, the person had a giant gourd on his back and I automatically knew who it was. I dropped from the tree right behind him.

"GAAAAARRAAA!" I shouted as I hugged  him from behind then I stepped back shocked because I. TOUCHED. GAARA. He turned around and his eyes widened and he instantly hugged me.

"Um, Gaara? You okay there?" You asked confused and even ore shocked because Gaara is showing  feelings.

"Y-y/n...it's been forever! You probably don't remember me but..."

"I'm your brother."

Hey people! It's been forever! I know...but here it is! You're welcome!  I just want to say thank you guys so much for reaching ober 1,000 reads! Thanks insane! Just thank you guys! Anyways, thank you so much for reading this, if you liked it, stick around, there's more to come! And as always
Stay awesome ✌

Bye bunnies!

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