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I wake up and...somethings different...IM NOT IN MY CASTLE! Wow never thought I would think that. I'm back home? How?.was it all a dream? I get out of bed and go into the kitchen and make some ramen then watch tv as I sit down and turn on the tv and something changed about naruto THE FACT THAT I'M IN THE SHOW DEFINATLY CHANGED! BUT HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT?! I go into the bathroom to brush my hair real quick and come back to find my ramen has been eaten...strange I distinctly remember waking up alone. Suddenly I hear giggling from my closet and open it to find "S-sakuke!? N-naruto?!.what are you doing here?!?!" They just keep smiling and a few hums here and there walking slowly twords me I keep backing up until I trip backwards onto my bed and they both pin me down on the bed towering over me and I'm blushing madly.

Sasuke starts off by kissing my neck trying to find my soft spot and after a short time he finds it and starts to suck on it and I moan lightly while Naruto has been rubbing up and down from my waist to my chest while kissing my bare stomach over and over next thing I know I'm just in my bra and panties and they're just in there boxers all of a sudden I grow wings each one is about 5 ft long. Sasuke and Naruto are amazed at this point and they begin to touch them and I get this...surreal feeling and I get weak in the knees.

"Y/N! Y/N! WAKE UP!" I am being shaken awake by Cotton Candy. "What!? Wait...it was a dream?" I say. "Yeah you we're making some pretty...um interesting noises..." Sakura says. "Really? Wait how'd you get in my house?" I ask. "Um one of your cute butlers let me in" she says while blushing. "Oh you mean Derek?" "No Sebastian..." "Oh...well get out I have to get dressed." You get dressed in (picture) and head out. "Woah nice outfit y/n." "Thanks Uncle Saru left it in my closet, he said it was what I wore last time I was here." I say. "How sweet of him!" My God she's too perky. "So what are we doing today?" "I don't know...well just have to find out." "Kay" I know exactly what we're doing today we are going to graduate....well except for Naruto. Maybe I can change that.

"Y/N!" I here Narito the burrito yells as he comes running twords me. "Hi Naruto." I blush madly as I remember the dream I had. "Hn." I turn around to find Sasuke standing there and I blush harder now cause those...images are coming back. "Y/n? Are you okay? You seem a little red." Sakura asks. "Hm? Oh...i-uh...am fine..." "You sure? I don't want you getting sick." Naruto says while putting a hand on my shoulder. 'Y-yup! Just f-fine!" Blushing even harder now. "You look as red as a tomato..." Sasuke says while wrapping anbarm around my shoulder. "N-no no really i-i'm fine!" Blushing so hard I match my outfit. "Okay then..." they let go and I stop blushing...mostly. We head to the ninja school and we were given a test in order to graduate and everybody passed except for me and Naruto because we haven't gone yet Naruto is next so that makes me last...great...Naruto heads up and before he gets there I give him a few pointers he listens to me and...it failed...so i try something I take control of his body with Ino's Mind Swap jutsu and I make 2 other clones of Naruto and quickly get rid of them and switch back. "Congrats Naruto you pass" and he gets handed a headband and heads back to his seat. "Y/n you're up." Everyone gets interested now cause it's the 'new girl' gosh...I'm so popular! Sasuke and Naruto are especially interested. "What happens if I do extra credit?" "Well you get to pick your own color bandana, and this depends on how well you do you will probably be a legendary honor student here at this school." "Kay then." I put my hands together in the ram hand sign and say "MULTI SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" and the classroom gets flooded with...well me! Then they poof away and I pick y/f/c bandana and a certificate that says '#1 Legendary Honor Student." Yeah! I'M FABULOUS! I head back to my seat with a smug face and everyone else has shocked or dumbfounded faces.


After school I start to head home to hang my certificate in my castle somewhere and j get stopped by Sasuke."Hey y/n wanna go train later?" "Uh sure I have this amazing gym and training grounds you should come by later." "Hn I will see ya later!" I head home and help my maids get the place ready for Sasuke later cause guests are guests after I'm done well more like shooed away by my maids I head to the screening room and watch tv and wait for Sasuke. About 10 minutes into my show I go to the kitchen for snacks. "Hey Ashton?" "Yes miss?" "Know any snack recipes?" "Yes a lot in fact." "Whats your best one?" "This triple fudge chocolate cake with f/I/c/f (fave ice cream flavor) in the middle." "Ooh! Can I help you make that?" "Sure." We get to work and he gives me a few tips along the way and we finally get it in the oven and wait. While its baking I hear the doorbell being rung and Sebastian answers it. "Ah Mr. Uchiha please come in." "Hey Duckbutt." "You made me a nickname?" "Yes, deal with it." "But why Duckbutt?" "Cause your hair looks like a ducks ass." "Nice to know." "Not really...anyway you wanted to train with me?" "Yeah." "Kay take a map." I hand him a customized map that says y/n/n topia. Your Nick name.

We train for what seems like hours and head inside to eat the cake Ashton made and it was delicious. We then head to the screening room and watch a movie. "Y/n." "Yes Sas-" I was cut off by him Kissing me.

HERE'S THE CHAPPIE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! YOU'RE WELCOME! I read a butt load of fan fiction and get so many ideas from them and create my own scenarios off of a few words and I watch a butt load of anime like last night I was binge watching so much anime I forgot that there we're stars and I thought 'so that's what stars look like...wait we have stars?! Damn I forgot we have stars...I watch WAY too much anime....gosh.' TRUE STORY! I FORGOT THE EARTH HAD STARS!

Question: What's you're favorite anime?


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