Dont you just love haters?

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I love haters! You know why? No, it's not cause I'm weird or anything. It's because they make me want to prove them wrong! The more they hate the harder I try! They can hate all they want, but turn that hate into into love. Love is something this world is starting to run short on. So, haters can hate, but I want to love.
That's why I say lol. I don't use the original meaning that others use, which is "laugh out loud". My meaning is "love out loud". Why? Because, there are so many broken and tattered hearts that deserve to feel what love is. No one needs to be left in the dark. Just 3-simple words can brighten someone's day...."I. Love. You." Those three simple words can change someone's perspective and their new outlook on love and the world. -❤️LOL❤️

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