Prey Of The Past: Part 1

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A helicopter flies above a dense, foggy jungle. Inside, April excitedly peers out the window, pointing at the foliage below, nudging her sister Julie.

April (grinning): "There! That’s where they used to roam!"
Julie nervously grips her seatbelt. David, the adult and military agent, is sitting at the front, expression serious.

David (sternly): "Everyone stay alert. This is no theme park, it’s survival from here on out."

Suddenly, the helicopter begins to shake violently. Harvey, sitting across from April, raises an eyebrow.

Harvey (mockingly): "Don’t tell me you’ve been reading more dinosaur trivia. I already know everything I need to about T. Rexes."

April (rolling her eyes): "You think you know more than me? Please."

The helicopter spirals down, alarms blaring. Mathew fumbles for his seatbelt, accidentally knocking into Elliott.

Mathew: "Uh, guys? I think we're crashing—"

The screen goes black as the helicopter crashes.

The Island Awakens (0:04 - 0:08)
The group stumbles out of the wreckage. David checks his gear while the teens dust themselves off. The island is eerily silent except for distant roars. April kneels beside a large footprint in the mud.

April (excited): "This is Tyrannosaurus. It’s fresh!"

Harvey (sarcastically): "You don’t say?"

David: "Stop bickering, both of you. We need to move."

The group begins hiking through the jungle. Julie is sticking close to April, eyes darting around nervously.

Julie (whispering): "April, are you sure you can handle this? What if something—"

A deafening roar cuts her off. Trees in the distance sway as something large approaches.

Elliott (calmly): "Get behind me."

Rex and Chomp Appear.
The jungle parts to reveal two Tyrannosaurus Rexes: Rex and Chomp, the massive Hammond Collection figures. Their eyes lock on the group, and their guttural growls reverberate through the ground.

David: "Run!"

The group bolts through the jungle. Mathew trips and falls, causing everyone to halt.

Mathew (groaning): "Every time!"

Elliott pulls him up just as Rex lunges forward, jaws snapping where Mathew had been. The group barely escapes into a narrow rock passage, with Rex and Chomp snarling from behind.

April (panting): "They won’t follow us here. Too narrow."

David: "We can’t keep running. We need shelter and a plan."

Tyrant’s Shadow
They stumble upon an abandoned military bunker hidden within the jungle. Inside, the walls are plastered with maps, documents, and faded photos of dinosaurs. The atmosphere is tense as David inspects the bunker’s supplies.

Elliott: "Think we’ll be safe here?"

David: "For now."

Suddenly, the lights flicker. A low rumble shakes the bunker. Something is outside, but it’s unnervingly quiet. April peers through the window and freezes.

April (whispering): "It’s… him."

The camera shifts to show Tyrant, the Beasts of the Mesozoic T. rex, standing motionless outside the bunker, its red eyes gleaming through the dark. Unlike Rex and Chomp, Tyrant doesn’t growl, roar, or even blink.

Julie (whimpering): "Why isn’t it moving?"

David: "Get away from the window!"

But it’s too late. The ground shakes as Tyrant takes a slow step forward, its silence even more terrifying than any roar.

Escaping the Bunker
Tyrant begins circling the bunker, its massive form blocking out the light. The group knows they need to move fast before the silent predator finds a way in.

April (urgently): "We have to get out before it figures out how to break in."

Harvey is frantically flipping through a book he found in the bunker.

Harvey: "There’s gotta be a way to distract them. Tyrannosaurs have terrible vision when it’s dark, right?"

April (snapping): "That’s only in movies! We need a real plan, not your made-up facts."

Mathew (sighing): "Guys, less fighting, more escaping!"

David opens a side hatch, motioning everyone out. The group slips out, moving as quietly as possible, but the sound of Tyrant’s slow, deliberate steps follow them.

They sprint into the jungle, trying to lose the dinosaur in the thick trees. Julie stumbles and cries out, but April pulls her up before Tyrant catches sight of them.

April: "Stay close, don’t panic!"

Elliott: "Up ahead, I see something!"

The group stumbles upon a large, open field. In the distance, the other two T. rexes, Rex and Chomp, are waiting, growling lowly as if they’ve been expecting them.

Mathew (panicking): "We’re surrounded!"

The Final Stand
The group is now trapped between three monstrous T. rexes—Tyrant, Rex, and Chomp. The teens huddle together as David steps forward, scanning the terrain for a way out. The tension builds as the predators close in, their heavy footsteps reverberating through the ground.

David (calmly): "We’re not dying here. Everyone follow my lead."

April (quickly): "They’re territorial, right? If we can get them to fight each other—"

Elliott nods, realizing the plan. He grabs a flare from David’s bag and ignites it, throwing it between Rex and Chomp. The two predators immediately begin roaring at each other, agitated by the sudden light and movement.

Harvey (grinning): "I knew they’d fight!"

April (glaring): "That was my idea!"

Rex and Chomp engage in a vicious battle, snapping at each other’s throats, while the group takes advantage of the distraction. But Tyrant still stands silently, watching them. It hasn’t been fooled.

David: "Run!"

The group sprints towards the jungle as Tyrant finally begins to move, faster than they expected. It closes in on them, its silence only adding to the terror.

Elliott (desperately): "We need another distraction!"

April grabs a handful of mud and hurls it at Tyrant’s eyes, momentarily blinding the beast.

April: "That’ll buy us a few seconds—go!"

They race towards a cliff’s edge, the jungle falling away into the sea below. There’s no way out.

Julie (terrified): "What now?"

David looks at the waves below, grim but resolved.

David: "We jump."

Mathew (horrified): "Are you insane?!"

Tyrant bursts through the trees, bearing down on them.

David: "Now!"

The group leaps off the cliff, plunging into the ocean as Tyrant roars above them. The camera cuts to black as they disappear beneath the waves, their fate uncertain.

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