"Prey of the Past" - Series Description "Prey of the Past" is an analog horror series that plunges a group of teenagers and one hardened military agent into a terrifying, prehistoric nightmare. What begins as a seemingly adventurous journey to explore an uncharted island turns into a desperate fight for survival as the group's helicopter crashes into a dense, fog-covered jungle teeming with dangerous dinosaurs that have been mysteriously revived. Led by David, a no-nonsense military operative, the group is immediately confronted by towering Tyrannosaurs-predators unlike anything they imagined. Rex and Chomp, the colossal beasts, are only the beginning of their troubles as they soon face Tyrant, a haunting, silent predator that stalks them relentlessly through the island. Each episode intensifies the terror, as the group uncovers clues about a secret military operation gone horribly wrong, leading to the creation of these reanimated creatures. As they seek refuge in an abandoned bunker, explore dangerous jungle paths, and strategize against the looming predators, their sense of safety unravels. Betrayed by nature and surrounded by apex predators from another time, the group's fragile bonds are tested. With dinosaurs that act more intelligently and menacingly than expected, the series merges the primal fear of being hunted with the unsettling atmosphere of analog horror. "Prey of the Past" is more than a dinosaur story-it's a high-stakes battle for survival where ancient terror is reawakened, and humanity's place in the food chain is violently questioned. The teens and David must use every ounce of their wit and courage to outmaneuver creatures that have evolved for one purpose-to hunt. In this fight against time and extinction, they learn that the island has no mercy. Once prey, always prey.