one more

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Later that night, as the stillness of grief filled the house, Rajiv sat alone in the dimly lit living room, lost in his thoughts. He held Seema's photo in his hands, his heart heavy with the weight of the day. A sudden, soft voice broke the silence, pulling him from his reverie.

"Papa..." It was Aayushi, her tiny frame standing in the doorway, clutching her stuffed elephant. Her large, innocent eyes looked up at him, confused and full of unspoken questions.

Rajiv quickly wiped his face, trying to steady himself. "Aayushi, beta, you should be asleep. Come here." He patted the space next to him on the sofa, trying to sound calm, but inside, his heart raced, dreading what might come next.

Aayushi shuffled over, climbing into her father's lap, and leaned her head against his chest. Her voice was soft and uncertain. "Papa... where's Mama?"

Rajiv's chest tightened. He had hoped she wouldn't ask, at least not yet. He wasn't ready to explain, didn't know how to tell his three-year-old daughter that her mother was never coming back. He stroked her hair gently, trying to think of how to respond.

"Mama's... gone, Aayushi. She's not here right now," he said softly, his voice trembling as he struggled to hold back his emotions.

Aayushi blinked, confused. "But... when will she come back? I miss her." Her tiny hand clutched his shirt, as if holding on for reassurance.

Rajiv's heart broke into a million pieces at her words. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but the truth felt like a crushing weight. "Mama... she's in a beautiful place now, Aayushi. A place far away where she... watches over us."

Aayushi's brows furrowed in confusion. "But why can't I see her? Why can't she come home?" Her voice trembled now, sensing something was terribly wrong.

Rajiv swallowed hard, feeling his throat tighten as tears welled in his eyes. He wanted to protect her from the pain, to shield her from the harsh reality, but he knew he couldn't hide the truth any longer. He had to tell her, even if it broke her heart.

He pulled her closer, his voice breaking as he spoke. "Aayushi... Mama... she's not coming back. Mama has gone to... God. She's become a star in the sky now, and we can't see her anymore."

Aayushi's face went blank as she processed his words. For a moment, she just stared at him, her small mind trying to understand something so incomprehensible.

"She's... gone?" Aayushi's voice was barely a whisper, her eyes wide with shock.

Rajiv nodded, his tears finally spilling over. "Yes, beta... she's gone."

Suddenly, Aayushi began to cry, her small sobs piercing the quiet of the house. "I want Mama! I want her! Please, Papa, bring her back!" She clung to him desperately, her little body trembling as the grief and confusion overwhelmed her.

Rajiv hugged her tightly, his own tears flowing freely now. "I wish I could, Aayushi. I wish I could bring her back. But she's with the angels now, watching over us. She loves you so much, and she's always going to be with you in your heart."

But the words did little to comfort her. Aayushi's sobs grew louder, and she shook her head, unable to comprehend the loss. Her tiny body heaved with the weight of her grief, and suddenly, as if the emotional shock was too much for her to bear, her sobs quieted, and she went limp in Rajiv's arms.

"Aayushi? Aayushi!" Rajiv panicked, shaking her gently. She had fainted, her small body unable to handle the overwhelming sorrow.

Terror surged through him as he cradled her in his arms, calling her name. "Aayushi! Wake up, beta!" His voice cracked with fear.

He rushed to the bedroom, laying her down on the bed, trying to rouse her. His heart raced, his hands trembling as he checked her pulse, her breathing. She was still, her little chest rising and falling softly, but she didn't wake up.

Rajiv sank to his knees beside the bed, tears streaming down his face as he whispered, "I'm so sorry, Aayushi... I'm so sorry."

In that moment, as the weight of everything crashed down on him, Rajiv realized just how fragile his daughter's world had become. He prayed silently, hoping that she would wake up, that he hadn't broken her too much with the truth.

The house was filled with silence again, but this time, it felt suffocating.

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