Truly In Love With A Monster [JD]

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Joong always kept to himself, managing his bar quietly in a world where humans and monsters coexisted, but love between them was forbidden by law. As a vampire, he knew the dangers of getting too close to humans, yet it didn't stop them from constantly falling for him. With his mysterious allure and sharp features, they flocked to the bar, seeking more than just a drink. But Joong paid them no mind, refusing to entertain their affections.

Except for one human-Dunk. Every night, Dunk would come to the bar, ordering drinks, chatting with regulars, and attempting, in vain, to flirt with the aloof vampire. Joong had grown used to Dunk's presence but kept his distance, not allowing himself to get drawn in. Dunk's persistence, however, didn't falter. Night after night, he made it a game, pushing boundaries while Joong ignored him.

Everything changed on a night when Joong's brother, Khaotung, decided to host a spontaneous karaoke session at the bar. It was an instant hit. The humans were eager, singing, laughing, and loosening up in ways Joong rarely saw. He stayed behind the bar, pouring drinks and watching from a distance.

Then Dunk took the stage.

With a playful grin and a glint in his eye, he grabbed the mic and announced, "This one's for a certain monster who's been ignoring me every night!" The crowd laughed, intrigued. Joong's attention was suddenly fixed on him as Dunk began to sing "I'm in Love with a Monster" by Fifth Harmony. His voice carried through the bar, passionate and bold, each word a teasing confession aimed directly at the vampire.

He'll buy me a thorn before he'll buy me a rose
Be covered in dirt before I'm covered in gold

He's trying it on, yeah, he's ticking me off
Say what you want but I won't ever be told
'Cause I'm in love with a monster

Joong's cool facade wavered. For the first time, he found himself staring at Dunk-really staring.

Friends say I'm stupid and I'm out of my mind
But without you, boy, I'd be bored all the time
No, I don't really care for the same conversation
Got everything I need and I'd rather be chasing
Chasing love, with a monster.

Dunk was no longer just the human who annoyed him nightly; he was captivating, drawing Joong in with his fearless declaration of feelings, even in a world where those feelings were illegal.

I'm in love (I'm in love)
I'm in love (I'm in love)
I'm in love with a monster (hoo, hoo, hoo)
I'm in love (I'm in love)
I'm in love (I'm in love)
I'm in love with a monster (hoo, hoo, hoo)
I'm in love with a monster

As Dunk's performance ended, the bar erupted in cheers. Joong, however, felt the weight of something much deeper, a desire he had long suppressed rising within him.

Would he continue to obey the law, or would he give in to the pull of the human who had somehow managed to get under his skin?

As the cheers from Dunk's performance died down, Joong stood frozen behind the bar, his eyes still fixed on the human who had just challenged everything he had so carefully maintained. Dunk's face was flushed from the thrill of performing, his chest rising and falling with each breath as he caught Joong staring at him for the first time. Their gazes locked, and for a moment, it felt as though the noisy bar had fallen completely silent, leaving just the two of them in a world of their own.

Dunk's lips curved into a satisfied smirk. He slid off the stage, weaving his way through the crowd, heading straight for the bar. The confidence in his step was unmistakable; he had thrown the gauntlet down, and he wasn't about to back off now.

"You like the song?" Dunk asked, leaning against the counter, eyes bright with amusement.

Joong, his cool exterior struggling to reassert itself, wiped the bar with unnecessary force before finally responding. "It was...bold."

"Bold, huh?" Dunk echoed, a teasing glint in his eye. "You know, I thought it was time to stop playing around. I've been coming here for weeks, but you don't even give me the time of day. What's it gonna take, Joong?"

Joong's jaw tightened at the sound of his name. No one used it so casually-especially not humans. He glanced around, ensuring that no one was paying too much attention to their conversation.

The laws that restricted relationships between monsters and humans were harsh, and Joong wasn't naïve enough to think that a playful flirtation wouldn't have consequences if someone reported it. But here Dunk was, fearless and reckless, pushing boundaries that could get them both in trouble.

"You don't know what you're doing, Dunk," Joong said, his voice low, warning.

"Don't I?" Dunk tilted his head, his eyes never leaving Joong's. "I think I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm in love with a monster and not just any monster I'm in love with you Mr Vampire."

Joong's hand stilled on the counter, his sharp eyes narrowing. "This isn't a game, Dunk. You're messing with things you don't understand. There's a reason the law exists. For both our protection."

Dunk chuckled softly, but there was a seriousness in his gaze now. "You think I don't get it? I know what the laws are, but I don't care. You think I don't know the risks? I do. But I'm still here, aren't I? Every night."

Joong clenched his jaw, trying to suppress the rising tension in his chest. There was a part of him that wanted to push Dunk away, to remind him that humans and vampires lived in separate worlds for a reason. But another part of him-a part he had buried long ago-wanted to reach across the bar and pull him closer, to indulge in what Dunk was offering despite the consequences.

Before Joong could respond, Khaotung sauntered over, his playful demeanor breaking the charged moment between them. "Wow, Dunk, you really killed it up there. I think you've got a new fanbase!" He winked, glancing between Joong and Dunk, clearly sensing the tension but choosing to remain blissfully unaware of it.

Dunk grinned at Khaotung, but his eyes flicked back to Joong, as if to say, This isn't over.

Joong felt trapped, his brother's presence making it impossible to respond the way he wanted. So he turned away, grabbing a glass and pouring a drink for a nearby customer, pretending that nothing had changed.

But Dunk didn't move. "You can ignore me all you want, Joong," he said softly, leaning in so only Joong could hear. "But you felt something tonight. I know you did."

Joong's grip on the glass tightened. He wanted to deny it, to shut down whatever hope Dunk was holding onto. But the truth gnawed at him, relentless and undeniable.

He had felt something.

And Dunk wasn't going to let him forget it.

As Dunk pushed away from the bar and rejoined the crowd, Joong watched him, the human's words echoing in his mind. He knew that things couldn't stay the way they were. Dunk had shattered the fragile balance that Joong had built for himself, and there was no turning back now.

The only question that remained was whether Joong would allow himself to break the law for the human who was willing to risk everything for him.

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